Chapter Fourteen

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Enthralling Imperfections

Chapter Fourteen


Do you really want to know how does it feel like when Zayn looks deeply into your eyes? Let me tell you. It feels like your soul is being burned. You can see death into his eyes. His perfect, faultless eyes. But, if you are really brave enough to stare into those two lethal eyes, then do it.

I recollected myself. Gained confidence and spoke.

"What is the exact reason of why you did what you did to me?" I asked him. He swallowed whatever it was that he was eating and bit his lower lip.

"Do what?" He mocked. I know that he is mocking me because there's a grin on his face. I'm pretty sure he knows what I am talking about.

"Nothing." I said. How dumb am I? Why did I even ask him that nonsense question where I know the answer to? It is simply because he wants to shut me up. Right? I mustn't over think. I just sat there. Completely silent. I don't want to talk about things anymore and I just don't want to talk. I giggled for quite a few times and maybe let some words out of my mouth. I just don't want to be embarrassed because of something that I said again. For the rest of the time, I stared outside.

"Let's go?" I heard someone say. I'm pretty sure it was Liam. I know the tones of their voice, I memorized how one member speak with his own sexy accent. I turned my head and saw everyone standing. So, I stood up too and nodded. Zayn grabbed my hand and I looked at him. And then there he is, with those lethal eyes, with those flawless face. To complete everything, he killed me with his smile.

"Let's go?" He said softly, smiling. I nodded my head again. Just like what I have said. I won't talk. I can't believe nobody is flashing their cameras to our faces. It's like we're just normal people. Well, I am one normal teenager, but I'm with the world's biggest boyband for god's sake. Any minute now, many people would send loads of hates to me. Some might think it's okay and say nice things. But, still!

"You okay?" Zayn asked. I looked at him and nodded. He might think I'm incapable of speaking because I really am.

"Why aren't you talking?" He asked while letting out a small laugh. I smiled and shook my head. I am definitely unable to speak as of this moment. He smiled and squeezed my hand. I squeezed his hand back. He laughed a bit and I smiled. Zayn's so adorable. Of course, you know that. We walked back to where the lads are staying.

"Home sweet home!" Niall yelled and headed straight to the kitchen, again. Boy, his appetite was WOW. I hope I could eat loads and still maintain a flat stomach, like him. I headed straight to the couch and sat, making myself comfortable. I grabbed my phone and checked it. 3 new messages.

"Hey Zarah! -Matt" Obviously, a text from Matthew. I replied, saying "Hey" back.

Another was from Arliane. "Girl, you're so mean! You didn't even invite me! I hate you! I'm going to rip your throat out when I see you! Beware, girlfriend! Wait, tell Niall I said Hi! Have fun!" She said. Arliane's so weird. First, she says she's going to kill me. Then, at the end, she wants me to have fun. Oh well, I am just like her, that's why we became the best of friends.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to bring you along next time! Haha! Thanks!" I sent to Arliane.

The last message was from Joanne. "Girlfriends, I'll be going on a family vacation. I don't know when will I be returning. But there's one thing I know. I'll be bringing back special things for you two! Since, I still don't know where we are going, I'm going to text you anytime I can! Stay Safe, lovelies! Byeee! Missing you both already! <3."

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