Chapter Forty One

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Enthralling Imperfections

Chapter Forty One


I crinkled my forehead and just trashed the letter without any hesitation. I put the bouquet outside at the balcony. Just as I was about to go back into my room, I felt someone behind me. I didn't want to turn around. 

"Zarah." His voice sounds so special in my ears. I stood still, not moving an inch. "I know you don't want to see me right now but-" His voice cracked, he sniffed and carried on. "I just want you to know that I won't give up on us, on you." He paused for a while. I felt a lump in my throat but I just swallowed it. I don't want to breakdown. I just took a deep breath and titled my head. "I love you." He ended. 

Before I could turn around, he was gone. There was another bouquet with a white envelope attached to it. I picked it up again. I went inside my room and sat on my bed cross legged and read what the letter contained. 

I woke up to another bouquet of flowers and most especially, an Arliane shouting at my ear. 

"Goode Morneng!" Arliane said with whatever accent she was imitating. 

"What am I? A dead person? Why do I keep on receiving flowers?" I spoke.

Good morning, beautiful. Hope you slept well. 

Have a nice day.

I love you.

-Zayn x

"How did he put this here?" I asked then, I eyed the balcony door and it was left ajar. I was still holding the letter he wrote for me last night.

"Love, that guy looked so messed up when he got here." Arliane said. 

"You saw Zayn?" I asked, sitting up.

"Yup. His messy hair still made him so sexy." Arliane said and wiggled her brows. "But wait, why do you have three bouquets?" 

"One from Matthew then two from Zayn." I answered. 

"Should I have brought one too?" She joked. I just half smiled. "Did something happen?" She asked.

"My sister happened." I said, tiredly.


"I'm too lazy to speak." 


"The slut made out with my boyfriend."

"But why are you mad at Zayn too?"

"Because he didn't stop her." 

"I don't care if Zayn is a celebrity and how hot he is, I will slice  his neck for doing that." 

"No need to be such a murderer, Arliane." 

"But he deserves that."

"Yes he does but, do you want to spend your life behind the cell bars?" 

"Right. But, what if I was the one in your situation? If Niall cheated on me, what would you do to him?"

"Like what you want to do to Zayn."


"But you would've said the exact same words to me too." 

"What exact same words?"

"That I don't have to be such a murderer."

"How can you tell?"

"Arliane, I am your bestfriend. I practically know you better than you know yourself."

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