NSFW !!! RFA + V with a usually respectful Mc who has a dirty humor instead

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Of course his love was a respectful woman
He was amused by her shy appearance in front of other businessmen.
But, he was honestly shocked when he once heard her talking to her best friend.
What did she laugh about?
,,Hahaha, you pervert thing....of course, I also like long banana's the most.'' you laughed.
Jumin Han blushed, you just laughed with your friend about....a man's penis...!
But Jumin Han was also amused to have discovered your pervert side and wanted to have revenge.
,,Jumin, you're still not sleeping?'' you asked him when you entered the room.
,,No, I wanted to know if my banana's long enough.'' he told you and looked at you.
You were surprised but then began to laugh.
,,Your's is the best...'' you laughed and kissed him


,,Thank you.'' you thanked everyone who helped you.
Zen was really proud to have such a girlfriend.
You were nice and smiled every time.
Until he overheard a conversation with a co-worker of him.
,,I wonder if the secretary at a sperm bank has ever used the phrase thanks for coming!'' you laughed.
Zen was ashamed that you said something like that to someone else and not to him...
He would have loved it to hear it and tell you that your humor is really good!
Well, to be honest, he was a bit sad that you didn't show him your real side but he was happy to find out new sides about you.....
,,Show me your pervert side, princess I wanna come...!'' he laughed when the two of you were alone.


Yoosung never thought about something perverted.
He was honestly a pure boy with pure intentions.
And so he thought were you.
You never pointed at something perverted or talked about sex outside of the bed.
So he was totally shocked when he heard you laughing about Seven's perverted joke.
But this wasn't the end, you even answered.
Until you heard a loud thud, his butt on the cold floor.
,,Yoosung jagi! Did you hear us?" you asked him, a bit amused by his reaction.
,,Uhu...." he tried to answer.
,,Seven...LEAVE HER ALONE!" he whined while the two of you laughed.
But later on, Yoosung told you, that he had nothing against your humor. On the other side, he asked you, if you could teach him your perverted side.


Jaehee learned so much thanks to you.
But this little detail was kept secret by you.
Well, even if you told her about your dirty humor, she would have still liked you.
However she had to find out about your dirty mind by listening to you while you talked with a friend!
You were in the kitchen and wanted to prepare a fruit salad when Jaehee heard you chuckle.
She wanted to know why you were laughing and so she listened to you.
,,Ahaha! I feel as if I'm finger fucking this strawberry. Are you sure that this is a challenge and not your fantasy?" you giggled but stopped when you noticed your girlfriend at the door.
,,Bye, there's something I came up with..."
You were ashamed that she saw what you were doing but she on the other side wanted to know more about this challenge....


It was a normal day when you were in the kitchen cooking food for Saeran and Saeyoung.
Well, Saeyoung was a bit against it, there were HBC after all...!
But you decided to cook fish.
Saeyoung: Whaaa, my future wife is cooking fish!
Zen: Wow, Mc is cooking, so jealous.
Saeyoung: Not at all. It stinks!
Mc entered the chatroom
Mc: Well this fish is bigger than yours and the only one who will enter my mouth for the next two years. Go and eat your sticky chips."
Mc left the chatroom
Zen: Woah. That was....hilarious.
Zen left the chatroom
Saeyoung: 😱
I'm sorry Mc!
I didn't know that you were like that!


He never thought about this kind of topic.
Nothing was taboo, he was open for everything.
It was just you who was shy in his presence and so he kept his own thoughts and jokes to himself.
He didn't want to make you uncomfortable, after all.
But his behavior quickly changed when he noticed that you were just holding back your humor because of him.
A big misunderstanding, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable and you didn't want to scare him.
When Seven hacked into your phone and send in dirty memes he was a bit amused by them.
Well, also angry that his friend intruded into his girlfriend's privacy.
But for now, Jihyun just wanted to take pictures of you while you imitated the last meme in your phone.....maybe the last meme you will ever see, thank you article 11 & 13

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