SMUT, NSFW! - Jumin, Yoosung + Jaehee doing breakfast

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and wearing only an apron 


You suddenly woke up from a loud noise which made you jump up, making you look around and slightly panic.But it took you less than a minute to realize that the noise came from the kitchen and from that one special person in particular: your husband.You chuckled as you thought about Jumin cooking for you and decided to help him as you heard the second pan fall.,,Good morning, my love, take a seat. I will be finished in a few seconds,'' he told you as he turned around.You blushed as you saw Jumin in a black apron, wearing only an apron.,,Ju-jumin...'' you mumbled.He smirked as he put some pancakes on a plate, the brown syrup on them, carrying the plate slowly to the table.,,A coffee with sugar and milk, I suppose?'' he asked you and turned around again, making you see his beautiful back.You gulped as you observed your husband, his stature from behind was so sexy, you still wondered why he was teasing you like that.Jumin knew perfectly well that you liked his body, his skin, and since you didn't even care to hide this feeling, he liked to show off even more.,,I'll bring you your coffee, sit down, my love,'' he told you, but this time it was his turn to blush when he approached you again.,,I can tease you as well and I see that my plan is working,'' you chuckled, looking down to his erect sex.Jumin placed your mug on the table as he approached you even more, stroking your hair and putting his hand on the back of your head.His other hand softly touched your cheek as his nose touched yours, making you feel his breath on your lips.You wet your lips with your tongue as you waited for his lips to touch yours.However, instead of kissing you, Jumin made his other hand wander down to your ass, massaging you there.,,Come on, my love, it will get cold,'' he whispered.,,I don't care,'' you groaned and kissed him.As your lips touched his, your hand went to his neck, untying the apron which was knotted there, making the apron fall.You smiled against his lips as he stripped away the last piece of material which was clinging to his body.As if you were as light as a feather, Jumin picked you up, making you sit on the counter of the kitchen.,,I'll make you scream my name at not even 9 AM,'' he promised and you knew that this wasn't just an empty promise.


,,Can I come now?'' you asked him from your bedroom, waiting for Yoosung to make you come into the living room.For some reason, he ordered you to stay in your room and you were kind of closed in for almost an hour.You were feeling kind of hungry and began to feel rather annoyed by whatever he was planning.,,A - a second!'' he begged and you could feel him getting nervous.You sighed. ,,Honestly, should I help you?'' you asked him again, but he shortly after that allowed you to exit the room.,,I swear, Yoosung, if you didn't prepare breakfast in that time, I am going to k-'' you stopped as your eyes met Yoosung's body.For some reason he was wearing your green-yellow flower apron and it kind of... fit him better than you.But for some reason, one specific flower seemed to be... flowing in the air.Looking at your husband, you quickly noticed that apparently he was naked.,,Yoosung, what are you doing?'' you asked him, trying to hide your laughter as you looked at his blushed face.,,I... Seven said that women would get bored of the same things... at some point and... told me to try something else and... I thought...'' he mumbled.You quickly approached him. By now you couldn't hide your laugh as you shook your head.,,He teased you again,'' you told him and placed a kiss on his lips.,,You don't like things like this?'' he asked you, kind of disappointed.,,I didn't say that,'' you whispered as you slowly touched his penis over the apron.Yoosung moaned at your touch, making you kiss him as you slowly pushed him against the table.,,Let me help you here,'' you groaned and wandered below the apron, taking his big dick into your mouth, kissing his shaft a few times and finally sucking on him.Yoosung groaned and moaned as his sex twitched at your touch.,,You too~'' he whimpered.Finally letting go of him, you slowly sat down on the cold floor and saw how he slowly went down too, just to enter you and push himself deeply into you.,,You... are perfect,'' you gasped in between some deep breaths. You could feel something hot coming up.,,Cumming!'' he whined and came into you, breathing heavily as you also came. ,,I will say thank you to Seven later, but now let's eat. I'm starving,'' you laughed and tried to finally calm down.


You rubbed your eyes as you tried to adjust yourself to the bright light of the sun shining into your room as you slowly tried to get up.Looking around, you could see that Jaehee was nowhere to be found in your shared bedroom, and from the noises coming from the outside, you knew that she was the one in the kitchen, making you chuckle.How could that gorgeous woman already be up at that time after what the both of you did yesterday night? Just thinking about it made you excited again as you searched for your clothes, noting that the clothes you almost ripped off Jaehee were still lying on the floor.Wondering if she was wearing something fresh, you quickly put the dress on without anything else and slowly tiptoed out of the room.Inhaling the scent of something sweet, you entered the kitchen, praising her for her skills.,,Really?'' she asked you as you could hear her chuckle. Suddenly you stopped. Her hair was open and laying on her free back.Looking up and down you could see her skin, her perfect ass, and the apron from behind.,,Jaehee, you...?'',,Mh?'' she asked you, turning around.The apron was barely covering her breats and her sex as she stood in front of you.,,Breakfast is already ready, sit down, Mc,'' she smiled, making you blush in a deep red as you did what she said. Of course, your heart was beating crazily in excitement.You pressed your legs together as you sat down. What exactly was she thinking?,,Here you are, my cutie!'' she said, something unusual for her as she placed the plate in front of you, turning around to take her plate, sitting across from you.Your hands were trembling as your mind was going crazy.,,Jaehee,'' you moaned, making her look up.,,I can't concentrate,'' you gasped.,,Try something, maybe it will get better,'' she smiled, and you didn't know what kind of action she meant.But instead of eating, you used your foot to slowly touch her skin below the table, making her groan.,,Not this, Mc...'' she scolded you.,,I can't...'' you whimpered and went back with your chair, feeling your sex pulsing.,,Please....'' you begged her again and of course this wasn't something Jaehee couldn't say no to, making her ride you with the dress and her apron over your bodies...

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 2Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ