RFA x great chef Mc who elaborate dinner for them

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,,Mc, my love, I will come for dinner today, I will ask the chief to do something for us, okay?" he told you and kissed your front as he stepped out.
He knew that today was your free day and so he wanted to enjoy the evening with you.
But you had other plans.
,,Hello, today I would like to give you a free day, please don't say anything to my husband." you begged the chef.
He of course knew who you were.
In the evening Jumin was pretty surprised to see the table decorated beautifully.
,,Mh, Mc, I'm here my love! Sorry, it must have been painful when the food smells so good!" he giggled.
You came out of the kitchen with the potatoes.
,,Welcome home, Jumin. I'm happy that you seem to like my food! It's ready! Let's eat!" you giggled.
When you told him that you were actually a chef but stopped archiving your dream, he immediately bought you a restaurant.
,,Jumin, I think Jaehee doesn't want to eat anymore if you don't stop with the projects." you laughed when you heard about his new project.


Everyone knew that he was living unhealthy.
But since he knew you he decided to stop smoking.
He stopped drinking too much beer.
But he still wasn't eating nutritious enough.
That's why you decided to use your knowledge and cook him something amazing.
Of course you also had to do the table.
And so, when he came home he was a bit shocked.
,,Do you have a date with someone...?" he asked you.
Well, half joking and half serious.
,,Yes." you responded.
,,With my Zenny~ look, I cooked for you, Zenny!"
,,You did that?" he asked you, his eyes began to shine as he hugged you.
,,You're so good at cooking!" he laughed.
Since then Zen wanted to eat only you food.
The best thing was that it was still healthy.


,,Mc I'm home!" he called you and entered the apartment.
,,Woah!" he moaned when he saw the table with Flowers, plates and glasses.
He was so happy at the moment, he just liked it.
,,Mc, is that art?" he asked you.
,,Haha, no Yoosung." you laughed and gave him a welcome kiss.
,,Dinner is ready, are you hungry?" you asked him.
He just gave you a nod but somehow it seemed as if he didn't want to eat.
,,This looks too good...!" he mumbled and began to take pictures and send them into the group.
,,That moment when you come home and your wife prepared dinner." he wrote and made everyone feel jealous.


You did this often, preparing the table and dinner for her but today it was a special day since it was her birthday.
You elaborated the table, made dinner and of course a big cake.
Jaehee didn't expect that.
,,Mc!" she snapped and looked at everything.
She began to cry and sob out if happiness.
Her long hair sticked in her face as she cried.
,,I'm so happy! This looks so good! I mean, you have so much talent!" she told you and hugged you.


Well, you guys didn't really eat at a table.
You ate either on the floor or on the couch.
Sometimes you guys even skipped a meal.
But from now on you wanted to change that.
While the twins were outside, you elaborated the table, cooked dinner with a three course menu and a desert.
And finally, you were ready.
,,Mc! Woah!" Saeyoung laughed as he saw the table.
And even through Saeran was annoyed, he was kind of happy too.
Well, to be honest you expected him to make fun of you but you were really happy to see that he enjoyed the view.
,,Wait, are you crying?" you asked him and swiped his tears with your fingers.
He kissed them.
,,We never had a meal as a family....thank you." he thanked you.

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang