RFA + Minor Duo with an innocent Mc who knows Jiu Jiutsu

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The two of you were walking hand in hand through the city.
Of course a few Bodyguards stayed behind the two of you since Jumin cared a lot about your safety.
But still a guy who wanted to take your purse successfully pushed Jumin, making him stumble a bit.
Jumin's thought were filled with you, his lovely innocent wife who had no protection right now.
He wanted to hold you, just for a moment more until the guard would have reached the two of you but you....
,,Hayahhh!'' with a strong kick you stopped the man who landed on the ground.
He didn't even try to get up but stayed like that.
,,It's good that you decided to give up.'' you smiled at him after the guard caught him.
,,What was that my love, don't do something dangerous like that anymore...'' Jumin begged you and hugged you strongly.
,,This was Jiu Jitsu! Martial Art!!'' you told him happily and told him about the sport.


Well, Zen was once again bragging about you.
He was always bragging about you.
About your beauty, your good mood, your bright smile, your kindness and of course about how innocent you were and how much he loved to keep yo safe.
,,Really?'' a colleague asked him as he smirked at Zen.
Zen didn't like his dirty smile and questioned the meaning.
,,Look at your back, prince in the shining armor.''
Zen looked around just to see you, his beautiful girlfriend, battling with a big guy.
,,I give up! I give up!'' the man whined as he hold up his arms.
,,Ladies and Gentlemen! You just saw the Jiu Jiutsu's art! It's not about strength vs. strength but to use the strength of the one attacking you against himself!'' you told them.
Zen observed you open mouthed.
,,MC.....'' he mumbled.
,,No need to worry about your beauty now, darling. Your girlfriend will protect you from now on!''


,,Honey!'' you called your husband Yoosung, who was currently stroking Lisa.
,,Yes, Mc?'' he asked you as he looked up.
,,I want to show you something. To make your character stronger and show you self defence.''
You decided out of the blue.
He looked at you with big eyes.
,,Not that you're not strong enough or so, but I learned Jiu Jitsu long time ago and I want to show it to you too!'' you told him.
Yoosung agreed with you thinking that you meant something to relax with tea.
When you however showed him some techniques he was pretty surprised.
,,Uhm...how come that you can do this...?'' he asked you.
,,Well, in the past I wasn't really secure of myself and pretty scared of everything and so my dad taught me Jiu Jitsu.'' you explained.
Yoosung really liked to listen about your past since he didn't know as much about you as you knew about him.
And since then the two of you practiced Jiu Jitsu.

Jaehee (for ,,haters'' »Jaehee is Mc's Girlfriend here« so pls don't complain)

Your beautiful girlfriend wasn't aware of your hobby.
And so when she saw you while watching a Jiu Jitsu video on YouTube, she asked you if she should show you Judo, since it was easier to practice with her than with a teacher in a display.
You however began to laugh loudly.
,,No, my dear. No need for that. I already know Jiu Jitsu. To be honest I'm pretty good at it. Don't tell me that I forgot to tell you?'' you laughed.
,,Yes, you did!'' she told you with a surprised tone.
,,But, Mc...I never expected you to know something like that, amazing!'' she praised you and smiled brightly.
You were indeed pretty proud about yourself.
You decided to show her wat you could do.
She was indeed amazed by you!


,,Mc...Mc...Mc....Mc...Mc...'' he called you over and over for three minutes.
You were honestly pretty tired by this and so you nicely asked him to stop.
Well, of course he didn't stop.
And so at one point, even through this wasn't the sense of the Martial Art, you began to kick him and choke him.
,,Woah, woah, woah!'' he shrieked and tried to hold you back.
Unfortunately he didn't expect you to be that strong and so he got pushed back by you.
The two of you began to fight.
Between snaps he asked you why you were so good.
However, out of your fighting, kisses formed and the two of you weren't fighting in the living room anymore but kissing wildly.
,,I'm...not...going....to...tell...you!'' you moaned between kissed.
,,CAN'T YOU GO AWAY?! THAT'S THE LIVING ROOM!'' Saeran yelled as he saw the two of you almost half naked.


The two of you enjoyed the day at the sea at a sunny Saturday.
The two of you stayed below the umbrella today since the sun was pretty hot.
But then the two of you heard two boys yelling and crying.
You abruptly got up, looking around to search the loud voices.
,,Mc, I will go to check. Please stay here..." he mumbled.
The two of you decided to travel a bit around since you left Jumin's vacation house.
But you were totally against his idea and simply followed him.
Saeran tried to go between them but one of the boys simply ignored him and was about to punch the weaker boy once again.
That's when you used the change to use your Jiu Jitsu art.
You used the boy's strength against himself and beat him.
Luckily the police came pretty soon and solved the situation.
But Saeran was still surprised by you.
,,Wow...Mc...this was so good...but please stay back the next time....I don't know if I could have hold back if he would have hit you..." Saeran mumbled and put his head on your chest.


Since a long time the two of you noticed that something was odd with your adopted daughter, Lucy.
Jihyun felt helpless as a man and dad when you told him that Lucy related you how other boys were bulling her because she was adopted.
,,Maybe we should teach her self defense..." he mumbled.
That's when you had the idea to teach her Jiu Jitsu.
And so one day the two of you were practicing in the garden.
Jihyun didn't know at first but then when he searched you to show you a good self defense course he saw you.
He was really amazed by your beauty and strength.
He immediately took his camera to take pictures of the two of you.
When you finally noticed him, you could only laugh.
,,I never knew that you were that strong..." he mumbled while Lucy was practicing.
,,I'm not the helpless woman, dear."

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 2Where stories live. Discover now