RFA + Minor Duo encouraging Mc for her tests when she's unmotivated

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You were currently in your traineeship to become his second secretary.
You, Jaehee and your husband really gave your best until the end.
Jaehee helped you with the tests she had to take and Jumin somehow managed to get some old tests.
,,I could get the test for you if you want, my love." Jumin told you as he caressed your hand.
,,No, Jumin. I want to try it on my own. But thank you." you whispered.
But you really weren't motivated enough to learn anymore....
In the morning when you woke up Jumin was already gone.
You checked your phone and noticed that he sent you a message
,,Good Morning my love, are you already up? I hope you have a nice day....I already organized your desk in my room, I'm happy that you will soon work together with me....if there's something you don't understand don't be shy and ask us, we will help you with everything my love, fighting meow!"
His message touched you to tears and so you decided to give your best!


,,Mc, you don't need to force yourself.'' Zenny told you as he massaged your shoulders.
You were currently trying to become his manager but still needed to take three tests.
And so here you were, trying to learn the whole input just for the love of your life.
,,No Zenny, it's okay, I'm just not motivated enough.'' you told him with a trembling voice.
Zen kissed your cheek and took your hand.
,,Break time-now.''
The next day Zen left early and at noon a postman rang at your door with 10 roses.
,,From who?'' you thought but quickly realized that your Zenny thought about you with a sweet message.
,,I love you, thank you for working so hard. Don't worry you can do it! Just practice and look at the roses whenever you're about to cry.'' you read out and quickly took your material to practice.


You were typing on your phone and sighting when Yoosung entered the room.
,,Is my wife learning with the driving-app once again?'' he asked you amused.
,,Nop. Not anymore.'' you told him and threw your phone away.
Your husband just watched you wile you cursed everything and everyone.
,,Ah I hate driving and I hate that I have to take the test because I spend money on it!'' you snapped angrily.
Yoosung tried his best to calm you and motivate you but you just wanted to do nothing at that point.
That's why in the evening he bought you chocolate in a heart shape with a message saying ,,Fighting!''
And with that you were motivated enough to learn again with your app....That's a true story, but I don't have a boyfriend to motivate me though-


You were awake day and night just for a few tests.
Jaehee didn't even understand why you decided to take them but you were just too stubborn to give up.
Instead you worked so hard until you were just too unmotivated.
You hated to do anything.
Nothing was good enough anymore and your mood was as bad.
But Jaehee couldn't bear to see you like that anymore and so she decided to do your favorite cake and write a sweet message on it.
,,Mc! Come here please!'' she called you.
,,What...? I really-‚'' you stopped yourself when you saw the amazing cake.
It just looked so good.
,,Did you do that?'' you asked her and she gave you a nod.
And then you teared up while reading the message.
,,I love you so don't give up''
She was just too cute.
You hugged your girlfriend and asked her for forgiveness for your bad mood.
,,Don't worry. Even if you are like that, I hope you know that I will support you forever.''


Saeyoung was in pain to see you like that.
You were stressed and in a bad mood.
You hated yourself for it but you couldn't change it.
You just cursed at your books and weren't laughing anymore.
,,Mc.'' Saeyoung called you.
,,What now?!'' you snapped.
He knew that you didn't mean it but he was still a bit hurt.
,,Why do you even work so hard to become a nurse?'' he asked you.
You looked at him, now even more annoyed.
,,Are you serious? Of course because I want to support you and your brother. I want to help him with his health and help you if you should get hurt....'' you mumbled and got up to go to your room.
Saeyoung wanted to stop you but he stopped himself before he took your hand.
He just noticed that you were working so hard just for him and his brother.
,,Mc..Mc!'' the Robot Cat meowed.
You sighted annoyed.
,,Thank you so much for giving your best for me and Saeran and Sorry that we didn't notice. We are so grateful to you. We will let you work now. Whatever you need, we will try our best!''
You had to chuckle again for the first time in three weeks.
,,Thank you, Saeyoung.''
Half a month later the three of you were celebrating your new journey as a nurse.


You had to do a group project and your friends were just so lazy that they let you make everything.
And so, since nothing worked out, your motivation was ending too.
You just wanted to sleep.
,,Mc...." Saeran mumbled.
,,Don't cry, please." he begged you und hugged you.
But you just kept sobbing. This was why he kissed you out of the blue.
Even through he blushed too.
,,Saeran...?'' you asked him.
,,Don't cry. Your beautiful tears are too precious for something like that. I will help you as much as I can, so don't cry because of fake friends, yeah? I will stay here forever and support you for another 100 projects. And if they don't move their asses, I will just hack their phones.'' he told you and made you laugh so hard, that you chocked.


,,Mc, it's three AM, shouldn't you go to sleep now?" Jihyun asked you as he observed you while trying to learn the math book.
,,I can't. I kept cursing for three hours and now I'm too late. My motivation is everywhere else but not here." you told him with a trembling voice.
,,Okay, but don't you have time until Friday?" he asked you but you already ignored him.
He understood you.
You really had to work hard and you hated it. He could understand you.
And so he wrote a little letter for you and put it on the table before he went to sleep.
You on the other side woke up at 11 o'clock with a blanket on your shoulders.
You fell asleep on the chair.
You got up and wanted to drink something but then you saw a letter.
,,Dear Mc." it said.
,,I know that you're working really hard right now. I'm so proud of you. I know that even if I tell you to not overwork yourself, you will keep going until you're finished. And so the only thing I can say is ,,Fighting!" haha, I'm sorry this is new for me....but what I want to tell you is: please don't give up." you read out.
You had to chuckle, this was so cute.
And with that your motivation came back and you were able to finish everything.


,,Why do you even take part if you don't want to?" Vanderwood asked you.
He acted as if he was annoyed but the truth was that he was so sad that you were unmotivated.
He wanted you to feel happy and good but right now everything was totally different.
,,Because I really need to..." you mumbled and threw your pen away.
,,Ugh..." you mumbled and tried to not cry.
,,I love you." Vanderwood snapped angrily and threw you aside from the chair to his lap.
,,And now take a break. You're unmotivated, you can't do it right. I will see if I can help you somehow, idiot." he snapped.
He made you smile again and so you hugged his neck and laid your head on his shoulder.
His warmth gave you motivation, you knew.

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz