RFA with an Oni Mc who turns herself away

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in order to not turn them into Oni


,,You remember what happened last time?" your dad snapped.
You were somehow happy that he couldn't see your face but could hear only your voice.
The truth was that you were a demon and your dad used his power to talk to you.
,,Make him in to a demon too." he told you.
You were sobbing, of course you tried to stay as silent as possible.
What was the right decision...?
You were already married....
But you knew how bad it was, you knew what your mother had to go through.
She hated your dad, was ill and disliked her life.
,,Your dad was selfish, fell in love with me and didn't tell me that he was the demon's king...and without asking me he made me into a demon but Mc, my baby, you need to fall in love with a demon. Not human. You will hurt him, he will be ill and weak....don't do this...." she begged and choked.
,,I'm coming ho...me." you sobbed and he stopped the magic.
You took your things, subscribed a divorce and left the house.
Or you planned.
,,Were are you going?" he asked you when he saw you.
,,I need to go." you confessed and kissed him once again.
But he held you. ,,What's your secret. Tell me so that I can protect you." after the two of you argued for a while that there was no secret you finally told him the hurtful truth.
,,How do I become a demon?" he asked you.
Your eyes got bigger in surprise.
,,But Ju-"
,,I love you more than anything...." he confessed and kissed you, hugged and stroked you.
,,Don't worry. He won't feel bad. A human gets only weak if he doesn't love you enough." you dad appeared and made Jumin into a demon just like you.
,,Mc, Please....I will truly love you forever." he told you and kissed your teary face.


You were happy that you went out through the kimon, the demon's gate.
But unlucky someone lured you into an apartment and you fell in love with a human who cherished you.
You already did this once, letting human fall in love with you to turn them into onis.
But this time it was different.
You looked at the picture with Zen.
The one you loved the most, you had to leave him to save him.
To make sure that he was safe from you.
You couldn't let him turn into an oni like you.
And since you really, truly loved him, you decided to act.
You left the apartment in the middle of the night and left a note, telling him how sorry you were but that you were a bad influence.
When a young white haired man came back and noticed that his girlfriend was missing, his heart broke apart.
But even through he searched for you, he never found you....


,,Mc?'' he called you while he was playing his favorite game LOLOL on his day off.
You didn't respond though.
So he decided to get up and check on you just to find you on the bed, nearly crying.
,,What's wrong, Mc?'' he asked you in a cute voice, trying to figure out if you were hurt.
You looked at him, his blonde hair would turn out black.
If you would turn him into an Oni he would have a hard time for the first couple of months.
You didn't want this.
,,I have to leave...'' you told him and looked at his beautiful eyes which would probably turn out red if you would take him with you.
,,Okk, when are you coming back?'' he asked you and already felt that something was wrong.
,,Never, Yoosung....'' you mumbled and in the next moment his hands cupped your cheeks.
,,I love you...why would you want to leave?'' he asked you.
,,Well...'' you mumbled and didn't know to tell him.
That you were an Oni and if a human spend more than three months with you they would turn into Onis too?
No, this was impossible.
,,Tell me...'' he begged and persuade you to talk....


You thought back about those times...
You had a flashback, how your beautiful mother turned into an Oni, your friend destroyed life because of this and your fist love...
You knew that this was because of you.
And you decided to keep on living.
But now you looked at Jaehee, who you really loved and imagined her as an Oni.... no....
But you noticed that you also couldn't handle it to be away from her...
And so you decided to do something stupid...
You rejected her.
You behaved like the last ass in the world, treated her bad and made her suffer.
However you quickly noticed that this was pretty selfish by you and decided to give up. ,,What's wrong with you?!'' she yelled out of the blue.
,,You don't understand, do you?!'' you yelled at her.
,,NO!'' she responded.
Her pure tears made you shiver...you were so deeply in love with this woman.....
,,I'm an Oni...but I didn't want you to become one too or to go away from you so I decided to do this...'' you told her.
,,And what will you do now?'' she asked you while she sobbed.
,,Leave....I will leave you...'' you whispered and kissed her once again before entering in your gate.
,,No...don't go...'' she begged you and tried to run after you but you were already away....


,,What are you really?'' he asked you.
And you looked at him, fear all written over your face.
You were planning to leave this night while he was sleeping.
You already tried to reject him and tonight you wanted to make him really angry to take the chance and leave.
,,I'm your girlfriend?'' you told him.
,,Yes....but none googles ,,How do I make my boyfriend hate me'' or
,,Way to the gate'''' he snapped, already knowing that something was awfully odd with you.
,,I just thought that I could find a way to break up with you idiot easily, don't worry.'' you laughed and got up, thinking that this was the perfect time to let you hurt him.
After all you didn't want him to become a demon like you.
,,Mc...'' he whispered and kissed your ear.
,,Make me into a demon too....I want it...'' he moaned and let you do the ritual.....

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