How the RFA would celebrate Mc's birthday

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Well, we're talking about Jumin Han.
So it was only naturally that he would organize a really big party.
Even through you told him about 10000 times that you didn't need a party.
,,My love, we are talking about your birthday, everyone in this world needs to know that you were born today and everyone needs to congratulate you." that was his argument. You knew that he was doing his best.
And that's why you were super surprised when at the end of the day he rented only a little room for the two of you.
,,Jumin Han! You trigged your wife!" you cried out of happiness.
The room was bright thanks to the candles light and everywhere were roses and balloons.
,,My wife didn't want a party and so I tried my best. Your wish is my command, my love." he whispered into your ear as you looked at the room.
He gave you a big ring as present and in the end the RFA still came to congratulate you.
,,This was my best birthday, Jumin, Thank you." you tell him while you shared your birthday cake with your dear friends.


Your sweet Zenny would make this day into a sweet romantic day.
In the Morning you woke up due to his beautiful voice singing for you.
In his hand he hold a rose for every year in your life.In the other hand he had chocolate and a necklace.
,,Happy Birthday, jagi." he congratulated you while you rubbed your eyes.
,,Ohh Zenny! That's so cute!" you whined and looked at him while you took your present.
For the day he planned an elegant dinner and a sexy night with the two of you....
And you had to confess that this was just like you imagined your day.
You really liked your surprise and his way to celebrate it.


Yoosung was almost even more excited than you for your birthday.
He planned a little party between the two of you, your friends and your Family.
You were pretty happy that he planned everything because you almost forgot about it.
He even baked your cake!
,,Yoosung-cutie, marry me! Leave Mc!" Luciel joked around when he tasted the cake.
,,Luciel! Shut up!" your husband whined and blushed at his best friends words. ,,Hands off, Luciel. That's my perfect husband." you snapped and kissed Yoosung to thank him while everyone cheered you on.Of course he got even redder but you had to be honest because you enjoyed the view of Yoosung.


That day she baked a new cake and brought you your birthday cake to the bed.
It was an amazing way to wake up, the cake and the coffee odor in your nose while you dreamed of the love of your life.
,,Happy Birthday, my princess!" she woke you up and gave you a good morning kiss.
,,Ready to enjoy your birthday with Zen's DVD's?" she asked you in a funny voice.
,,Only if you're watching with me!" you laughed and got up, ready to enjoy the new day with her.


,,Saeyoung I'm sleepy...." you mumbled at 23:55 o'clock.
,,Don't dare to fall asleep or I will have to wake you up with a kiss at midnight!" he laughed and pulled you on his lap.
He really wanted to celebrate your birthday at midnight.
And then, when the time came, a lot of firecrackers banged and all robots in the house began to sing you the song ,,happy birthday''.
Your husband-to-be even gave up his Dr. Pepper bottles for you and opened them, as if they were Champagne.
He made you laugh so hard
while Vanderwood screamed at him.
,,Happy Birthday my Mc...." he kissed you while you slowly fell asleep on his lap.
,,Thank you....Saeyoung..." you mumbled before closing your eyes.

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz