RFA + Minor Duo with a dirty bike riding tomboy MC

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,,My love...'' Jumin mumbled when he saw you in the clothes you always wear.
,,Mh?'' you asked him.
,,Where are you going?'' he asked you.
,,Outside. I'm meeting a few friends. We want to drive through the city.'' you told him and went out.
Jumin chuckled while you left the room.
At first he didn't like it. He hated that you could be in danger, he didn't want you to wear old, dirty clothes.
He wanted to see you in a pink long dress....but this was impossible and he knew.
This was the fist thing you told him when the two of you met each other.
,,Jumin Han. Don't try to change me. I eat my pizza with my fingers, I lick at them. I won't wear a dress. If I wear one, I decide which. But I want to wear what I decide because even like that a woman can look good. I don't need money, necklaces, bracelets or whatever. I only need you, my bike and a helmet.''
Jumin couldn't say anything. But he accepted you the way you were. And he liked you like that more.
Your dream was that all women could be independent, that all women could wear whatever they wanted, and Jumin wanted to support you by that.
By the way, he always bought you new helmets and you had about 20 bikes.....


,,What?!'' he asked you surprised hen he heard that the two of you oncewere in the same bike gang.
,,I don't believe you!'' he laughed but then you told him the name of the former leader.
Zen was really surprised.
And he was even more surprised when he found out that you were now the leader.
He took a look at you, your clothes were ripped, your pants were dirty.
But still, you looked so beautiful.
,,Should we drink a beer?'' you asked him and opened the bottle with your hands.
Zen stayed there and looked at you, you were so cool! Much cooler than him.
And even as his manager, your bike was much better than his and you could drive much better than him!
And every time when a fan came too near, you protected him, you were so strong! You endured really everything and Zen was so proud that he had you as girlfriend!


You hated to wear dresses but you didn't want to stand out so it was no wonder that nobody noticed what a tomboy you were.
When Yoosung and you began to go out together however he noticed that you liked to play video games or go boxing.
What he loved the most was that your hobby was riding the motor bike
You looked so cool!
,,You pushed me!'' a man messed up with Yoosung.
Your boyfriend was ready to say ,,Excuse me'' but you began to argue with the strong, big guy.
In the end the man begged you to not hit him.....


,,Oi!'' you ran out of the coffee shop an greeted some bike rider.
Jaehee followed you with her eyes. Your short hair fitted you so good.....,,Bungsuk! Do you have a new bike? Let me ride!'' you laughed and looked at the bike.
Jaehee was observing you from the inside was surprised but enjoyed the view, she loved that part of you and accepted you.
To be honest she even asked you to learn her how to ride a bike.
The two of you even exercised together martial arts together.


He didn't really look at you so he was pretty surprised when he finally talked to you.
What he loved the most was that every time Searan was depressed and tried to kill him, you could scream and hit him.
,,Wow....wait, I need popcorn.'' he laughed.
,,Oi! Saeyoung Choi! Get your damned ass here and say sorry!'' you yelled.
,,How can such a beautiful woman be such a tomboy?'' he mumbled while he looked at you while you got dirty while you repaired your motor bike.


That's partly a reason why he fell in love with you.
your high spirits to fight, the casual clothes, everything.
When his persona changed, he was amazed that you could fight back
He loved that you weren't afraid but strong.
And his hobby was now, by the way, to go out with our bike and go and buy ice cream.


He really loved that part of you.
You were indeed strong and you showed other people.
He loved the way you dressed yourself, behaved and thought...just everything.
That's why he left and changed himself when he came back.
He wanted to fit you and your behavior.
Everyone respected the two of you thanks to that and Jihyun didn't need to worry about anything anymore.

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 2Where stories live. Discover now