RFA + Minor Trio with a dancer/ guitarist MC

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None knew that you were a professional dancer except for Seven who did proper research on you.
Well, you never had to show anybody.
Only when the RFA was invited to your home to have dinner together they found out.
Seven put on a Kpop song and suddenly you got up and danced like crazy.
Everyone observed you, you were so good.
When the song ended everyone was clapping with their hands praising you.
,,You can dance at these songs?" Jumin asked you with a smirk.
,,I can dance. I can dance Salsa, Tango, and Ballet, my love. Of course, I can also dance to classic music." you explained.
When they asked you where you learned so much, you told them that you once had a dance school.
That evening you tried to teach them all how to dance and Jumin bought you a dance school once again because every time you showed someone how to dance, your eyes began to shine.


Zen was so excited about his role.
But he also had to sing along to the OST and he really missed the rhythm because of his excitement.
And so you decided to practice with him.
,,Mc, if we put the song slowly, it would help me but it's not online yet." he whined.
,,There's no need for social media, Zenny." you giggled and took out your guitar.
You slowly began to play the OST on the guitar so that Zen could begin to practice.
,,No Zenny...know what? Let's sing together!" you told him with a big smile.
Your voices echoed in the whole apartment, people from the outside stopped walking just to listen to your angelic voices.
And with every time you got quicker and quicker until Zen hit every tone and was perfectly in the rhythm.
,,Amazing Mc...You have so many hidden talents!" he praised you.
,,Thank you..." you mumbled at his compliments and decided to play more songs when he requested it.


,,I'm home!" he called when he entered the home.
Loud music was echoing while he searched you. Finding you in front of the TV dancing was a really surprise for him.
He observed you until the song ended.
,,Oh dear, Yoosung! I didn't see you! Are you hungry dear?" you asked him.
,,No, I would rather see you dancing more..." he mumbled and blushed.
,,Then let's dance together...!" you laughed and took his hand and showed him how to move his legs.


Everyone had their own hobbies, right?
Jaehee's hobby was watching Zen's Musicals as well as doing everything that had to do with coffee.
But she didn't know that your hobby was something totally different.
To play an instrument.
When she heard you practice the new Lady Gaga song, she was amazed.
To know that you were playing the guitar since you were twelve made her realize that the two of you still didn't know a lot about yourselves.
She was pretty interested in the tactic you were using and so she requested you to teach her.
,,You're good!" you praised her whenever she hit a tone.

Saeyoung smutty

,,One two three four, one two three four...." you mumbled as you moved your body, your hips dancing to the rhythm of the music.
Saeyoung entered the room and saw you dancing.
His eyes were sparkling as he saw your movements.
,,Oh....." he mumbled.
You turned around, your tight sports gear made you look so graciously.
Saeyoung approached you and stroked your waist down to your legs as you kissed him.
,,You make me so...." he mumbled and kissed him again.


The two of you sat outside on a beautiful summer night.
The campfire lit your surroundings as the two of you laid shoulder on shoulder.
You could only hear the waves hitting the stones and the insects singing.
The atmosphere was perfect.
The RFA already visited the two of you so often but it wasn't the same.
A trail of loneliness was still there.
Saeran was stroking your skin when you suddenly got an idea.
,,I will be right back!" you laughed and ran off, coming back a few minutes later with a guitar.
You began to play a few notes and afterward, you sang along.
Saeran observed you with a smile on his lips.
After he listened to the song a few times he decided to sing with you.
And so the two of you sang into the silent night. ,,I didn't know that you could actually play the guitar...." he chuckled.


He was an artist too, after all, he was just so amazed by you when he listened to your melody.
He decided to enjoy it and so he laid back.
Your melody filled the room, the atmosphere was a beautiful one and made you guys so touched, that Lucy decided to sing along.
,,We will have a musical family, huh?" he asked and chuckled when you guys were over with your mini-concert.
,,We could go on the street and sing our own melody and make the people happy who pass by!" Lucy exclaimed, being really enthusiastic about her own idea.
You didn't go on the street but instead played a few songs on the RFA parties.


You could just imagine that Vanderwood didn't really care about that.
But it was totally different.
When he saw you dancing in the garden he realized that he was really in love with you.
He realized that you were important to him and that your feelings meant a lot to him.
Vanderwood didn't know when he fell in love but he knew that your dancing figure amazed him and was implanted in his mind for a long long time...

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن