Slight Angst - RFA + Minor Trio hurt Mc while arguing

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Please do remember that this Scenario is fiction and not based on true actions I would support or do. 

Mention of violence, screaming, abuse 


This really wasn't like him.
He never knew he could do something like that.
It all started with a little fight.
It was in the middle of the night when the two of you came home together after a party hosted by Chairman Han.
Some old businessmen approached you but you couldn't reject them, they were important to Jumin. You were afraid, you could hurt his business.
Of course, he saw everything and he was furious.
,,I told you, Jumin! I didn't do anything! I couldn't reject them!''
,,Why?!'' he screamed.
,,Because I thought it would hurt your stupid projects!'' you yelled at him.
You just were so angry that you took your phone and crashed it to the floor. You wanted to crush everything at the moment but Jumin grabbed your shoulders and tried to stop you.
You just screamed at him and he didn't know what to do....he slapped you.
You two stopped fighting, you didn't say anything. You just touched your cheek.
It ached. Jumin looked at his hand. He was shocked.
,,Mc, I'm -‚''
,,Fuck you, Jumin.'' you snapped at him before you disappeared.
Jumin spent the night on the couch with a lot of wine.
The next day he wanted to tell you how sorry he was but he was frozen when he saw you.
Your cheek was blue and swollen. He did do that? That day, your husband cried.
He cried for forgiveness because he was sorry. Because it was his fault. He felt bad.
It took you a bit to forgive him but in the end, you did.
He promised that he would never hit you again, he promised you.


,,Mc! MC!" Zen screamed as he entered the apartment the two of you shared.
,,Huh? Zen hii. What happened?" you asked him when you saw his angry look.
His eyes were redder than ever.
You would lie if you would say that you weren't afraid right now.
,,WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?!" he asked you and slapped a picture on the table.
You looked at the picture and began to smile.
,,Oh, this! Hehe..." you chuckled and looked at Zen.
You smiled as bright as ever, you just wanted to tell him but Zen was in a rage.
,,DON'T FUCKING LAUGH AT ME!" he screamed and.....
Out of the blue, you couldn't see that quickly, he beat you.
His fist directly on your head.
You crushed into the chair on your right, you laid there, you were feeling sick, unable to get up.
All you could do was cry and hold your head.
,,Brother. HE'S MY FUCKING BROTHER!" you sobbed.
Zen looked at you.
,,Mc..." he mumbled. And then left the house.
He needed fresh air.
How...just how could he do this? Beat you, the love of his life?
When he came home two hours later, Jumin and Seven were there.
,,Bastard." Jumin snapped when he grabbed Zen.
,,Zen. You honestly should think about really hurt her." Seven mumbled.
Zen looked down.
He was way too ashamed.
In Jumin's eyes, he didn't deserve you but the two of you decided to meet a specialist.
Perhaps this was something that happened only one time.
But you didn't want to go any risks...


Your husband wasn't really aggressive but sometimes it happened, that he couldn't handle himself.
This was one of these moments.
The two of you argued because of something, you couldn't even remember.
And at one point the two of you were yelling at each other.
And then Yoosung packed you at the shoulder and pushed you against a wall.
He was so strong that you thought you were about to break.
At some point, he finally realized and let you down.
You collapsed on the floor and kept crying.
,,Mc...oh my god what did I do....? Mc, I'm sorry!" he begged and tried to help you up.
,,MONSTER!" you yelled and took your phone.
Yoosung just observed you.
Seven came a bit afterward and helped you ,,Are you fucking crazy?! Do you know how much stronger men are?!" he asked him.
Several weeks later the two of you tried to talk again.
,,Even if I love you, I won't go through this a second time. The next time I will ask for a divorce."


She was always against violence.
But this time she just couldn't calm herself.
And out of the blue, she slapped you while the two of you were arguing.
You touched your cheek and looked at her.
Then you laughed, which scared her a bit.
,,I'm not going through this shit a second time. I'm going and I won't come back a second time." you whispered and left the place, leaving her behind.
When she realized what she did, she tried to follow you but was too late.
You disappeared and never came back to her.


,,Mc! MC!" Saeyoung yelled.
These days he was often angry and had a problem.
You didn't know what was wrong with him but the best thing to do was to ignore him or help him with everything he wanted.
But this time, you really didn't hear him. And so, he got angry.
He came to you, took a book, and slapped the book on your head, as strong as possible.
,,Answer me!" he yelled afterward.
You, who didn't understand anything just looked at him, scared and hurt for what he just did to you.
When you cried because of the pain, Saeyoung realized that he hurt you.
He looked at you.
He wanted to hug you but you flinched.
He messed up.
,,I beg for pardon." he begged on his knees.
,,Please stop! I don't understand what's wrong with you. You keep being angry, and now you're even being violent!" you cried.
,,I know I don't know myself...I'm sorry. Honestly!" he cried and kissed your hands.
You forgave him for his action and he promised to not lay a hand on you anymore.
But he also knew, that you wouldn't stay any longer if he dared to show his violence one more time towards you.


You didn't understand anything anymore.
You stood there, pressed against a wall while Saeran's hands were around your neck.
You tried to scratch him with your nails, to beat him with your fists, but nothing worked out. Saeran was way too strong, and you knew.
And now, would you die by his hand...?
When you were sure, that you wouldn't survive you began to cry, and as soon as Saeran saw your tears, his lover's tears, he stopped.
You began to choke, to breathe in the air.
Saeran looked at his hands.
,,Why did I do that?" he asked you but then noticed, that you were unable to talk.
He hurt you, he was the one who did you like that.
,,Crazy....You're crazy." you snapped.
,,I'm sorry." he whispered and cried.
You knew that sometimes he had moments like these but, this time it was really scary.
You didn't know what to do...
What was the right decision, to stay by his side or leave him?


You didn't expect Jihyun to get angry.
And if he would get angry, you never expect him to hurt you.
But this time you were wrong on both points.
You talked normally but at some point, the two of you discussed about Rika.
And then, he slapped you.
It came out of the blue, you didn't understand anything anymore.
You looked at him and he looked to his hand and then to you.
,,I'm...sorry." he mumbled.
,,You have to STOP! Stop being so STUBBORN about Rika!! I'm tired of it!" you yelled.
And then you left him.
,,Where are you going?" he asked you.
You just told him, that you decided to leave him.
,,I love you." you cried.
,,But I cannot live like this anymore. You still think about Rika...and I thought I could accept this. But I can't. I'm too weak, my love is too weak and yours is so strong....strong for Rika." and with that, you left him.
He didn't even have the strength to walk after you, to call you.
,,Who's the weak one here....?" he asked himself.


The two of you discussed every time about everything.
You were sure, he wasn't made for a relationship.
But you still loved him.
But the fact, that the two of you discussed every time, made you nervous.
,,You never say anything about you! What's wrong with you?!'' You asked him. 
That's when he came near you, only an inch away from your face, and snapped,,Fuck you bitch!" and kicked you.
You looked at him in surprise, what did he do?
When he realized and wanted to say sorry, you began to scream, making Seven notice the two of you.
,, What happened? Mc, are you okay?" he asked and helped you.
And then, when you told Seven what happened, he took action and helped you to disappear from Vanderwood, just like you wished. The long-haired never got the chance to see you again or even apologize for everything he did to you...

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