RFA with a big spoon MC who always holds them tightly

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,,My beloved husband, where are you?" you called him when you laid in bed, his spot totally cold.
,,I'm right back." he called from the working room.
He had to work again after an emergency in the company.
When he finally laid back beside you, he first gave you his back since he had to check his phone once again.
You used the occasion to hug him from behind.
Your arms were holding him pretty strong.
,,Oh, my love...is everything alright?" he asked you.
,,I don't like it that you work so much...." you mumbled and put your head on his back.
,,Now sleep, my love. I won't leave anymore..." he mumbled before he drifted to sleep on his own.


It was after a little fight that Zen turned his back to you in bed.
You felt pretty bad.
The fight was totally idiotic but he still was angry.
While tears dropped on your pillow you decided to just hug him and hold him tightly.
,,Mhm." he mumbled as he felt your strength.
He tried to turn his head to you but failed due to your strength.
He then heard you sobbing.
,,Mc....don't cry. It's...I was pissed at myself, okay?" he asked you and felt your nod against his back, assuring him that you were okay.


It was in the night when you got ill.
You were feeling sickish and so with the last strength you had you hugged your husband from behind.
,,Mhh..." he mumbled and was awake when he felt your strong hug.
He began to stroke your hand.
,,Ugh..." you groaned as you put your head on his back, making him feel that you actually had a high fever.
,,MC are you alright?" he whispered and tried to turn on the light.
Your front was totally sweated and you were trying to catch your breath.
,,I will bring you some medicine..." he mumbled with so much love in his words.
Although, you didn't let him go.
,,Don't leave...." you whispered and began to cough.
,,I will come right away..." he tried to convince you.


The bed was already pretty tiny but the two of you managed to sleep in there together.
The thing the two of you liked to do was to hug each other and fall asleep like that.
Jaehee liked to face you but you liked to be the big spoon.
And you simply loved to hold her tightly.
It was no different tonight.
Before the two of you were about to fall asleep you hugged her tightly and smelled at her long brown hair.
,,Good night, strong girl..." she chuckled once again after you loosened your grip a bit.


You didn't know why but to be honest you were kind of scared that he would leave you while you were sleeping.
Maybe because you just were afraid to be left.
Whatever it was, you were the big spoon in the bed.
Even though you were always so cheerful, you hated to let go of him while sleeping.
Saeyoung always joked about your habits but he was totally serious about this.
To be honest he even enjoyed it a bit.
With you, he felt loved and precious.

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