RFA + Minor Trio with a Mc who is embarrassed of her body

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since she thinks her chest/ thighs are too big


You hated it, you hated the moments when you had to visit dinner parties with your husband. His presence was a huge present for you, after all, you were often alone but the fact that you had to look good in these ways too thin dresses worried you. Well, of course, Jumin always told you that you looked good enough, that you were the most beautiful woman for him. But this didn't change the fact that other people didn't think that way, that they looked down on you because of your looks. ,,Ah, these boobs are way too big...." you hissed one day, looking at your reflection. Jumin overheard your soliloquy and observed you. ,,They aren't that big..." he mumbled. ,,But bigger than other people's....!" you hissed annoyed again. Suddenly Jumin hugged you, stroking your chest and your arms. ,,Nothing is too big here, your body is just perfect the way it is....I love you the way you are so please love yourself too and ignore everyone else...." he begged you, making you feel much better.


Beautiful girls passed by, their bodies perfectly in shape. You looked at them. You knew that being envious wouldn't help you at all. Being envious and jealous wouldn't help you to make your thighs get thinner or to make your arms slender. Every moment you spend looking at the young, good looking girls, your mood began to crumble. But also feelings like fear came up. You were afraid that Zen wouldn't be satisfied with you anymore. However, you couldn't hide your feelings. Your boyfriend noticed right away. Just your glare made him realize that you probably were jealous. ,,Why are you glaring at them? Did they do anything to you?" he asked you, stroking your arm. You quickly pulled your hand away, it was your sensitive part after all. ,,I'm sorry...it's just....that I saw the thin, beautiful girls and realized that I'm way too big.''Suddenly Zen began to chuckled, hugging you, and nuzzling your neck. ,,I love this body of yours so much....the other girls are way too plain so just stay the way you are!"


You looked at the pictures.On the right side a picture of Yoosung and Rika and on the left side one with the both of you. Rika and you were different, very different. Both of you were like the moon and the sun, the night and the day. She looked so beautiful as if she was a special doll which could break at any moment. And you? You were too big for your taste. You had double D, your Jeans often rubbed at your thighs and would burst and your arms....you hated to just see them. You often said that you looked like a trunk. ,,Mc...?" your husband called you as he once again noticed you observing the same picture. ,,Yoosung, I think I should begin to lose weight and perhaps do something against my big breasts." you nodded. With big eyes, your blonde husband began to shook his head. ,,It's unhealthy. Besides, you are just lovely the way you are. I won't hold you back since it's your body but I don't think you need it...." This made you realize that you should begin to work on loving yourself.


You actually liked your own body. On the other side, you even wanted bigger breasts. It couldn't be enough for you. But ever since you overheard your customers, talking about how gross it was when women looked bigger than other women. This shocked you somehow and so you began to see little things like the fact that you needed new bras. Or that it was quite difficult to get into your jeans. And this made you really embarrassed. How could you look like that...?Your girlfriend quickly noticed that you tried to hide yourself. Of course, you failed As soon as you tried to turn away she took your hand, smiling kindly at you, telling you that she couldn't believe how good you looked.


He used to be a hacker after all. Of course he sometimes still hacked but it was usually for good reasons. He often hacked you to check your safety. Just like today, when he noticed that your google was filled with searches like ,,How too look less big?'' ,,Breast tremendous - what now?'' Thanks to that he understood that you were embarrassed.And so he never stopped to tell you how good you looked and how beautiful your breast was. You knew that he checked but thanks to that you could love your own body.


Somehow you thought that you and Saeran didn't fit at all. He looked so skinny and soft and you were so big. This actually made you feel really bad. Whispers from behind like ,,Is this her brother?'' made you feel out of place next to him. ,,I'm not dumb.'' he mumbled after he noticed that you looked at them. ,,I know what you're thinking. I love your body. Don't worry. For you, I will become a proper man. I will give my best as long you keep believing in yourself, okay?''


You usually loved to get photographed by him. He made you look so much better than you actually were. But at one point all this got destroyed when another woman was photographed, looking totally different from you. Ever since then you were embarrassed to see yourself somewhere. ,,Mc, please don't feel embarrassed.'' he chuckled when you blushed, cursing your own body. ,,You're my model and this has a reason. You look the best in my opinion so please don't get embarrassed.''


You wanted to look good for the man you loved. You didn't think that you would actually fail. And the worse was that he didn't even notice! All your efforts were in vain and the only thing that remained was embarrassment and fear. Honestly, he wasn't the type to cuddle with you but at some time he noticed that your behavior changed. And so he promised to look just at you if you could promise him to love your own body first and accept your breast. And indeed it helped. Your boyfriend hugged you regularly and you stopped to compare yourself with other women who in your opinion looked better than you.

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