RFA getting shocked when Mc chokes at her own saliva

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The two of you were currently going to an important dinner party when it happened. Driver Kim was driving you and suddenly you began to cough pretty hard. Your eyes got filled with tears and you felt fear hitting you when you couldn't breathe right away. Jumin immediately noticed that something was off and tried to help you. ,,Ugh..." you breathed, laughing again. ,,W-what was that...?" he asked you with a trembling voice. ,,Huh? My love, don't worry. I just...haha it's embarrassing but I choked on my own saliva..!" you kept laughing. ,,It wasn't that funny a few minutes ago..." he mumbled and took your hand, making you notice that he was still trembling. ,,My love...don't worry it's totally normal..." you mumbled and kissed his cheek.


You were watching him on the stage when you suddenly choked on your salvia. You began to cough pretty hard, making them turn around to see what was happening. Zen was the first one who noticed that you were the one coughing. He immediately stopped acting and rushed to you to see if everything was alright. ,,I'm okay...'' you said with a raspy voice. ,,Were I so handsome that you began to drool?'' he tried to joke but actually failed. You brightly smiled and kissed him and tried to assure him, that you always got choked at your saliva.


*coughing, coughing* ,,Mc....?'' Yoosung called you after he noticed that you were coughing for a long time. He was pretty sure that you weren't ill. When he came to check on you he noticed that your eyes got teary, you were actually coking. He was shocked and began to tremble as he tried to hit you on your back to make you feel better. When you finally stopped you noticed that he was still pretty scared. ,,Yoosung! This happens to me the whole time, you don't need to look like that....! I won't die!'' you laughed. But after you told him he began to cry. ,,Yoosung why are you crying?'' you whined and hugged him and tried to comfort him.


You were talking to Jaehee when it happened. Jaehee suddenly forgot what you guys were talking about and tried her best to help you. It took you a few minutes but you luckily succeeded. ,,What did you do?'' she asked you perplexed. ,,Huh? I choked on my saliva ...?'' you answered and saw her surprised face. ,,How did you do this...?'' she asked you. Now you were the one who was pretty surprised. Afterward, both of you found out that it wasn't as common as you thought and that it happened pretty often to you. Since then Jaehee always shrieked when you had to cough. ,,I won't die by saliva! Not on my own at least!'' you teased her, making her call out your name while her cheeks turned into a deep red tone.


At first, you wanted to trick him but eventually, it really happened that you couldn't breathe again because of your saliva. ,,Nice acting, team up with Zen!'' he laughed. Although he quickly noticed that you weren't tricking him at all. 
Ten minutes later you laid in his arm, trying to comfort him since he was still so shocked. ,,You have unique strengths, Mc....this makes me worried...'' he mumbled. ,,Don't worry Saeyoung!'' you laughed and stroked his hair while kissing his soft lips.

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