SMUTTY RFA + Minor Trio leaving hickeys and love bites

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on MC for the first time 


,,You are mine and mine alone...'' Jumin whispered as he was on top of you.Your husband pushed his hips once again towards you, making you moan loudly.The pleasure was making you tear up as you gasped for air.,,Says who? You didn't mark me...'' you said to tease him.Jumin smirked as he kept rubbing his body on yours, making you bite on your lips.The two of you were just having your first time together and Jumin couldn't imagine how good this would feel with the person he loved from the bottom of his heart.He lowered his head and inhaled your scent. He first kissed and sucked your neck, making you moan once again before he softly bit into your flesh.You loudly gasped his name as your body began to tremble.Jumin placed his left hand around your neck, putting a bit of pressure on it as he kept biting you.He just enjoyed the reaction his actions had on your body as you trembled and groaned.Letting go of you he observed his work of art.,,More... mark me as yours...a bit more...'' you begged and looked at him with teary eyes.,,Ugh...'' he moaned as he pushed himself into you once again, making you both cum at the same time.,,Your wish shall be my command... my wife,'' he whispered.That night Jumin didn't stop stroking your skin and biting you.At the end of your love act, your body was full of his hickeys and it was so bad that he had to make sure that no one else would see you at the swimming pool...


,,Hyun, I can't believe you!'' you groaned the next morning when you saw the big hickey your boyfriend left the previous night.,,I mean, I didn't even notice! When did you do it?!'' you asked him, turning around to him.He was still smirking and proud of what he did.,,You like it, don't you...?'' he whispered into your ear, making you shiver.And suddenly you remembered that yesterday, just after the both of you had a...rather heated conversation because one of his coworkers looked at you, he began to kiss your whole body, which lead the both of you to have sex.And since he knew how much you liked him being rough with you, you didn't notice that the rough kiss he gave you was a hickey.,,Don't cover it, Mc...'' he moaned, nibbling at your skin again.Zen knew how to make your legs shake.,,Hyun...please...don't...'' you whined as he slowly began to massage your tights.,,I want everyone to know that you are mine...this is my mark... You are my girlfriend and I want to make sure that everyone sees you as mine... This might be toxic, but no one...Mc, no one is allowed to take you away from me,'' he groaned, looking at you through the mirror.His eyes seemed so dark as his mouth was stuck on your skin.You massaged his head, your cheeks turning red as you nodded. ,,No one will take me... I will always be yours...'' you promised him and enjoyed the feeling of him touching your body...


,,Mc... I don't know if I can do it...'' he whispered as you sat in front of him, smiling as you observed your husband.,,Why?'' you asked him, trying not to laugh.But the truth was that he had no idea how to leave a hickey...,,Let me show it to you,'' you whispered, leading your lips to his neck, and began to suck the skin in that spot.Yoosung began to gasp when he felt what you were doing.And a short glance to the mirror showed him that a hickey was slowly showing.Yoosung's face was totally red in embarrassment. However, as if a switch was pressed, he began to do just what you did to him:His lips were slowly on your neck, kissing and licking your soft skin before he strongly sucked at it, making you moan.You thought that Yoosung would stop there, but your husband had other plans.The young man began to kiss you in a different spot and tried to leave a second hickey.,,Y-Yoosung!'' you gasped, when you slowly felt his hands on your chest, making you moan again.His thumb was playing with your nipple, adding a bit more pressure before he took off your shirt.,,,AH!'' you groaned, feeling his teeth against your flesh.After he gave you your first love bite, Yoosung made sure to kiss the spot and stroked you even more.,,I thought you were lost and didn't know what to do...'' you mumbled, panting on the bed as you looked up to Yoosung who was out of breath.,, you can go and meet Zen to practice,'' he nodded.,,You know, I didn't plan on showing him my nipple. There was no need for the bite there,'' you teased Yoosung, who suddenly blushed.

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