RFA + Minor Duo with a Mc who doesn't speak a lot

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but if she speaks, she speaks softly and quietly because while growing up everyone told her to shut up


Your husband observed you while you were sleeping and stroked your face.
He noticed that a lot of times you wanted to say something but instead stayed silent.
He was getting worried, why would you behave like that?
There was no need for you to be like that, was there?
The next day the two of you were going on a business party.
You hated these events because you felt like a coward.
You wanted to talk to them but whenever you tried you were either too quietly or too softly. You didn't want to trouble them just because of your past.
,,Gosh, woman. Speak up or shut up." an annoyed, drunk guest snapped.
He made you shiver and look down.
But before you could look at your feet Jumin took your chin and pressed your face up.
,,Congratulations, we won't have any deals, Mr. Pyo. My wife is allowed to talk whenever and however she wants." he told him and took your hand to step out.
,,Tell me, my love. Why don't you talk? I know, I can see that you would like to speak up. Why don't you do so?" he asked you and stroked your trembling hand.
,,Everyone, especially my parents always told me to shut up..." you mumbled quietly.
,,Mc....I will never let you shut up. And if someone does I will make sure that they regret it deeply..." Jumin promised and hugged you.


Your boyfriend loved your voice.
Even through you didn't speak often, he loved your voice whenever you spoke up.
But he was a bit troubled that you didn't talk much.
Were you perhaps troubled with him?
Did you feel uncomfortable with him?
Zen wanted to ask you when he noticed that you stood in a circle with the make up artists.
They were talking about something but you simply smiled. You didn't agree or disagree.
Zen didn't like that since they also provoked you. But you didn't say anything.
When you saw him you quickly rushed to him.
,,Princess, are you alright?" he asked you.
You just nodded.
Zenny stepped back in order to see you better.
,,Mc, talk with me....why are you always quiet? Don't you like to talk? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Zen asked you.
Out of the blue you began to sob.
Zen hugged you and while doing so, you whispered, that everyone told you to shut up while growing up.
Zen felt guilty by knowing this and with the time he tried to make you talk often in order to show you that he wanted you to speak more.


Today the two of you wanted to visit your parents.
Yoosung was pretty relaxed since he really liked them but you on the other side didn't seem really happy.
But like always you didn't say much and he didn't want to make you unsure.
When the two of you came there, you didn't even smile like always.
Yoosung asked you something before your mother could welcome the two of you and so when you wanted to give him a response, your mother told you to shut up.
Yoosung was surprised by that.
You immediately stayed silent.
When your mother went out for a moment your husband asked you what happened.
,,Nothing, Yoosung. It was always like this.'' you softly told him and smiled.
He quickly understood, so this was why you never talked much.
The next time your mother wanted to tell him something he glared at her and told her to shut up.
,,Oh? You're surprised, right? You traumatized her! How does it feel?! Awful, right?'' Yoosung snapped and took your hand.
He assured you that the two of you didn't need to meet your parents if you felt bad by that.
And so Yoosung helped you to talk a bit more and to forget about your past.


,,Ohh! It's you, Mc! Isn't it!'' a group of girls began to laugh as they saw you in the shop you shared with your beloved girlfriend, Jaehee.
You looked at them and nodded.
Jaehee observed you.
She was a bit reviled that she wasn't the only person who didn't get answers from you.
,,Oh, so, this is your babe? Tell us!'' A girl giggled and made you smile a bit.
You softly and quietly began to talk how you meet Jaehee but at some point another girl began to laugh and told you to shut up and instead bring some coffee.
,,Nothing changed from back then huh? Now, pssst! And bring me a cake.'' someone else laughed.
Jaehee was outraged.
How could they treat you like that?
,,Mc! They....were so stupid! Why didn't you say something?!'' she asked you.
,,Jaehee, it was always like that. Whenever I wanted to tell them something, they told me to shut up. I won't hide the fact that I wasn't happy that they asked me something but I already knew that they would tell me to shut up, so....''
Your love of your life couldn't beliefe what you just told her.
She simply took you hand and walked to the women.
,,Out of our shop. My girlfriend is the chef and is allowed to talk as much as she wants so, if you can't understand or accept her beautiful voice, get out.''
,,I love youuu...'' you mumbled quietly and hugged her.


Well, it truly wasn't the best way to find out abut your hurtful past.
You were telling something to Saeran at that time and Saeyoung had to concentrate on something.
And so, even though he loved your soft vice, he told you guys to shut up.
You horrified looked up.
Since you lived with the twins you felt better, you wantedto talk more and gave your best.
But this hurt you deeply and since then you never talked again.
,,Oi, idiot. I think there's something wrong with her.'' Saeran snapped as he ate his ice cream.
Now that his brother told him, he noticed too.
,,My 606, why aren't you talking anymore?'' he mumbled and digged his head into your neck.
,,You told me to shut up.'' you mumbled and began to cry.
Your reaction surprised him, he didn't expect that.
You continued and told him, that your family never allowed you to speak.
And if you still said something, they always told you to shut up.
Your friends did the same. They were probably annoyed by you. You learned from that and never talked again without a person asking you something.
Saeyoung listened to your story, his mouth stayed open in shock.
,,I'm sorry. I didn't meant it like that. I love you. I love your voice, your talking, everything. So pease, please don't stop to talk. Talk to us. Please.''


The two of you watched the sun set on the balcony.
You moved from Jumin's mansion and wanted to see something else for the time being.
The two of you were holding each others hand.
None of you dared to destroy the moment.
,,You know...'' you mumbled then.
Saeran looked at you.
It was quite rare that you spoke from alone. Normally your would only talk when he asked you something.
He was quite happy about that and so he stayed silent and listened to you.
,,I never talk much. And I'm sorry about that. But the reason is that in the past my parents, my whole family and friends always told me to shut up. I never talked much. And so, today I talk quietly and softly. I'm sorry if I troubled you wth that.'' you told him and looked at him.
He was still holding your hand and now he was holding it even stronger.
,,You don't need to worry, take your time. But I really wish, that you would talk more. I know that you want to. And I won't hold you back, so please do.''
Thanks to his words you found courage to talk more. After all today was your first step.


,,That's why...'' he mumbled after you told him.
In the evening the two of you were talking about families and friends and after he told you about his past you decided to told him yours too.
He was hurt to find out about you because you were a really nice girl who always smiled.
You didn't deserve to stay silent.
He wanted to hear your more.
After all for him your voice was like a lovely melody.
But luckily he could change you like you changed him.
With the time you learned that not everyone shared your friend's opinion.
On the other side, even your little daughter loved your voice and wanted to listen to you more.
You thought that you were really a lucky woman, to have so many lovely people around you.
Jihyun loved your voice, you still talked softly and quietly but that was a part of you that he didn't want to change.
Instead he wanted you to stay the way you were and feel comfortable.

Mystic Messenger Headcanons, OneShots and FanFics Part 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें