RFA Boys + Minor Trio on father's day

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When I posted this on Tumblr, it was father's day and so I thought about this Headcanon. My dad will never read this but I'm thankful to him and love him, even though he has a cold he waited an hour for me in the car to pick me up from my job's party. Now, enjoy! 


,,Come, baby!'' you took your son's hand and lead him to your shared bedroom.
Your son just made his own pancakes for Jumin.
You planned to wake him up to celebrate the day together as a little family.
,,Daddy! Wake up!'' the boy laughed loudly.
Jumin opened his eyes and immediately got up when he saw his son with pancakes.
,,Happy Father's Day, Papa! Let's eat breakfast!'' the boy said and gave him the plate.
Jumin shed a few tears before he followed his son to eat breakfast.


You chuckled to yourself as you stroked your belly.
You were currently pregnant with your second child.
,,Daddy!'' a girl's voice echoed in the apartment.
,,Coming!'' Zen responded and sat beside you, stroked your belly, and looked at his daughter totally nervous.
She was a natural beauty with a beautiful voice. Zen knew what was about to come, and he couldn't await it : ,,Now, for my daddy, a song by me!'' she smiled, almost shining.
Her voice echoed through the apartment, it was just so perfect to listen to her angelic voice.


,,Don't touch it, Oppa!'' a girl's voice snapped, making Yoosung open his eyes.
,,Just shut up, Noona. I had to see if Dad's cake turned out well!'' a boy's voice answered.
,,Uff! Go out and buy breakfast, idiot!'' the girl hissed.
,,Yes Sir!'' the boy joked.
Yoosung smiled.
He was so touched that his daughter and his son still prepared stuff in the morning just for Father's Day.
,,We raised them well, right?'' you asked Yoosung and hugged him.
,,Indeed...I can't believe that they are already 17 and 14....'' Yoosung whispered and heard his daughter calling him for breakfast.

Right now I wondered why I left out Jaehee back then but...yeah I think I need to do one for Mother's Day too now XD what ya'all think?? 


,,Hihihi....'' you chuckled as you closed the box.
It was 2 PM and you just finished preparing a surprise for your future husband.
,,SAEYOUNG!!! Can you come for a moment? I have a surprise for you, babe!'' you yelled.
,,Saeran! Hurry up too!'' you added.
Saeyoung and Saeran quickly entered the living room, sitting in front of you.
,,Saeran-oppa, can you please record the two of us?'' you asked him with a kind smile, making him nod immediately.
,,What is it, another bill?'' he smirked and opened the box, after making sure that Saeran was recording the scene.
A lot of balloons flew up, lifting a picture and a note.
Saeyoung took the picture and read the note several times.,,Is this for real? Or are you kidding me?'' he asked you with a trembling voice.
,,Happy father's day, daddy!'' you sobbed, stroking your still flat belly.
,,Oh my god, I want to hug you so strong but I'm scared that I will hurt you....Saeran, we need to move out of the working room, I will be a dad soon!'' he cried out of happiness.


,,Happy father's day....'' a girl whispered.
,,Thank you, baby....'' Saeran mumbled to his little daughter who just caught a fever.
She brightly smiled at him and took his hand.
,,Daddy....in my bag....there's your present...'' she mumbled.
Saeran nodded and let go of his daughter's hand and took out the present.
,,It's a beautiful picture...'' he mumbled and looked at the painting.
He was amazed to see the flower picture, he loved it.
,,I'm home, guys! Baby girl, take the medicine.'' you said and gave Saeran a bottle for your seven years old daughter.
She smiled and bravely took the medicine, making Saeran proud once again.


,,We're home, daddy!'' Lucy called and rushed out to the garden to meet her adoptive father and the rest of the RFA.
,,Hey, sweetheart!'' he greeted her.
,,Surprise!'' she laughed and hold up a present for him.
He took the present with a smiling face, wondering what she got for him this year.
His smile didn't vanish, instead, it just got bigger at the view of her present.
,,It's beautiful, my sweetheart!'' he told her honestly and kissed her cheek.
,,Did you do this alone?'' he asked her.
,,No, mommy helped me a bit...'' she mumbled, still smiling.
,,It's beautiful, I love it!'' he confessed and looked at the photo book once again, remembering all the happy moments since Lucy's arrival.


,,What if he won't like it?'' a boy asked and looked at you.
His worries were written all over his face.
,,He will like it. No, he will even love it!'' you said, holding his hand even stronger to give him courage.
,,Daddy!'' you called Vanderwood for your son, seeing him a few moments later.
,,Mhm?'' he asked you guys.
,,Here!'' the boy said, holding up a big cake ,,Happy father's day!''
,,Father's day...? It was today....?'' he asked him and looked at the cake.
,,Oh no...this cake....it looks too good to eat!'' he joked.
His son began to laugh loudly, forgetting about his fears.
,,Should the two of us go out and play soccer for a bit?'' he asked his son.
He quickly agreed and a few moments later you could hear Vanderwood's curses from the garden, as he kept loosing against his own son.

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