RFA with a florist Mc

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Every day Jumin came back home, he found new flowers in his penthouse.
He loved how the flowers fitted in with the whole house although he wondered who the person in charge was since you were working all day long.
It wasn't long after your marriage and all Jumin knew about you was that you were working in a little shop.
One day Jumin used his time to find out what you were doing, forgetting about the mysterious flowers.
When he saw you opening the flower shop, his heart got warmer.
Without noticing his lips formed a smile.
Looking at all the people leaving the shop with happy faces made him realize once again how amazing you were.
The mystery about the flowers and your job was now solved.
Jumin called his bodyguard, planning on going home.
,,Let me guess, Mr Han. Should I support her shop with a high amount of money?" he tried to guess.
,,No, just take me home so that I can enjoy the view of the flowers. My wife is good enough to take care of her shop. I don't want to destroy her dream with my money...."


,,You always get flowers, Zen. Do you have an affair? Is Mc free now?" a co-worker of Zen asked him.
Zen smiled, staying silent about this fact.
He knew that these flowers were yours, that you sent them to him.
You were a florist and even thought your shop was little and you weren't famous, every time Zen visited you, a lot of people left, smiling brightly.
Zen loved his job but he also loved to help you out sometimes just to see you smiling.
,,Oh? Should I tell Mc..." the co-worker teased Zen while he was trapped in his thoughts.
,,You can. She won't believe you. But go out and check this florist." Zen said, leaving him alone.


,,Ohh, my Son! You always have such beautiful flowers! Where do you buy them?" his mom asked him when the two of you went visiting him.
Yoosung smiled brightly and told his family that you were a florist.
,,Oh my! I didn't know!" his sister exclaimed, looking at her flowers.
,,Yes! Mc's shop is little but so special! You can't go out without having a smile implanted on your lips!" your husband chuckled.
,,That's not true...." you mumbled, blushing at his words.
,,It is! Just think about the bride yesterday who got dumped by her florist and had no flowers! You practically saved her wedding!" Yoosung reminded you, smiling proudly at you.


Your coffee shop was always filled with the most beautiful flowers.
Your flower shop was next to the coffee shop, after all, it was just so funny to see how many coincidences existed!
Whenever the coffee shop was closed, the flower shop was open and so Jaehee saw how many customers you had in your little space and how many people left with a happy face.
,,I decided." she said firmly in the bed when both of you were about to go to sleep after a long day.
,,Mhh?" you mumbled.
,,I want to become a good manager, just like you. My guests will leave with a big smile just like yours!" she giggled, making you smile.


,,Wow..." Saeran gasped when he saw his brothers recording.
Saeran and Saeyoung were amazed by the flowers and their amount.Even your own place was filled with flowers.
But what made Saeyoung smile even brighter was to see your warm smile and the guest's satisfied smiles after picking up their flowers.
Saeyoung never got disappointed by you.
You were his 606 who saved him from despair and a savior for everyone else who got to see your flowers.


Because he loves flowers!


It was no secret that Saeran loved flowers and so when he got to know that you were a florist with a flower shop, his heart began to jump out of happiness.
He wanted to work together with you in the flower job.
His eyes observed you, hardworking to make everyone happy who would come in.
The situation which touched him the most was when a little girl entered the shop, asking for a flower for her mom.
You, instead of giving her a flower gave her a whole bouquet as present....

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