RFA with a Zumba/ Weight Loss Trainer Mc

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Jumin was amazed that you fitted in his world so well.
He was concerned that the other women would hate you and make you feel bad but you were loved by everyone.
Your charms were so amazing that everyone loved you.
One day Jumin stayed beside you to look at all the people who were talking to you and noticed that you mostly talked with them about losing weight.
,,Mrs Han! It's nice to see you again! I already lost 5 pounds!" a woman smiled happily.
,,Really? I'm happy! Don't give up yet!" you cheered her on.
A lot of women said similar things and even some younger men asked you how to get some muscles.
,,How come that everyone comes to you? You know quite a lot...." he asked you.
,,I was a Weight Loss Trainer, Jumin..." you whispered and made him pretty surprised.
He was really sad that you closed your studio and so he began a lot of projects dedicated to you and even sponsored your new own fitness studio and own TV Program.


He already knew you from YouTube.
You were a really famous Weight Loss Trainer.
He thought it was fate that the two of you fell in love.
With your help, he got to know good ways to lose weight.
The good thing was that you could also help him to get some muscles since you were pretty good informed about the topic.
,,It's kind of sad that you gave up your job..." he mumbled one day after both of you trained and sat now on the couch.
,,Well I decided to stay with you and support you..." you told him.
,,At least none will see you while you're wearing your sportswear...." he mumbled and looked at your exposed skin.


,,I'm going, Yoosung!" you called when you were about to leave.
,,Where are you going?" he managed to ask you.
Your bag got his attention.
,,To my Zumba-Class!" you answered and made him nod.
,,Have fun and do what the teacher says!" he smiled.
You stayed puzzled on the same spot.
,,No, Yoosung. It's actually my class. I'm the teacher." you told him and saw his surprised face.
,,You didn't know?!" you laughed but kissed him before rushing out.
Before you run to the bus station you however promised him to tell him more about that.
And you kept your promise.
You came home, a bit sweaty, and showed him how your class would look like.
And he enjoyed it a lot!
He wanted to come to your class too now, although just to observe you...


,,Uff with all these cakes and this coffee...I need to do more sports..." your girlfriend mumbled and looked at her reflection in the mirror.
,,You look good...." you answered and thought about all the people you helped to lose weight.
Jaehee noticed that you were thinking about something else and decided to ask you.
,,Your clients?" she asked you to make sure that she understood.
,,Yes. I'm a weight-loss trainer but since I entered the RFA...let's say it doesn't work right now." you giggled. ,,But that's a great idea! Firstly, support me to lose weight!" she laughed but went on.
,,And then we will make some publicity here in our shop!" she said.
You were so thankful to her and so the two of you really started another project.


,,Oppa~" you called him when you felt boredom hitting you.
He looked up from his phone, his hand totally sticky with Chips flavor.
,,Let's do something fun!" you told him.
,,Let's go to our room or else Saeran will see us!" he smirked.
,,SAEYOUNG!" you suddenly yelled and hit him.
,,Not this kind of...thing! I mean, let's do Zumba!" you offered and waited for his response.
,,Ok...I will look if there's something on YouTube..." he mumbled, knowing exactly that you were a Zumba teacher.
,,What? No! I will teach you, idiot!" you exclaimed and threw his phone aside, taking his hand and putting on some good music.
,,Let's go! One two three..." you panted as he tried to keep up with your lesson.

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