TW - RFA with a Mc who worked on Sex Cams when she was younger / Smutty

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You came to tell Jumin your little secret right after his proposal and before your marriage.It was very hard for you to confess something you carried with you for so many years, especially because Jumin just became one of the people you cherished most in the world.You were scared to death that the person who actually wanted to marry you, have a future together with you, and also have a family with you would perhaps come to hate you because of something you had to fulfill in the past.However, not telling him would have put him and his work in danger and so right after the party ended, you told him.In the car, you already prepared him mentally that there was something he had to know.While Jumin was holding your hand and thinking about if it was right that you would come home with him, you worried about your future love life.,,Jumin,'' you finally spoke up. His name sounded more like a sight, something that alerted the black-haired man.,,When we get home, there is something I need to tell you. It's something that only you should know at the moment,'' you finally said.Afterward, no one spoke and even Driver Kim knew that there would be a lot to talk about.But luckily, Jumin reacted better than you thought.Right after the two of you came home, he first brewed you some tea before he settled down and looked at you.A faint smile on his lips made you feel a bit better, however, the words you would say soon were heavy on your heart and just hard to say.,,Now that the two of us are engaged, I should tell you before the media knows. Know that whatever you choose, if you want to leave me because your company could be harmed, I will totally understand,'' you began. Jumin stayed quiet.,,I worked on a sex cam when I was younger. I had to. I had debt thanks to my father and there was just no way to get rid of it and so I did it. I managed to get enough money to pay my debt and immediately stopped, but I fear that my clients will somehow... appear again... what if someone from the media-'',,Mc,'' Jumin whispered, making you look up with your teary eyes.,,I still want to marry you. I will marry you and I will make sure that no one ever finds out about this. I promise you, I will protect you. You are my first priority from now on...'' he confessed and with a kiss, he made sure to think of his next step...


,,I don't understand why this needs to be done,'' Seven sighed while Jumin gave some money to the last cameraman who apparently caught your face.,,I mean, you're together with Zen, an idol. Do you realize that more people will see your face on TV?'' Seven asked you as he deleted the file.,,I know. I will have to get my old hair color back,'' you sighed. All eyes were on you now.,,And I will need a mask and sunglasses,'' you nodded, finally looking up just to see all the eyes on you.,,This will be... hard,'' Zen whispered as he took your hand.Yoosung questioned if there was a specific reason why you were making such a fuss and as soon as the cameraman was finally gone, you dared to speak up.,,I don't know if Seven oversaw this detail when he did his background check on me,'' you began, making the red-haired man shake his head. ,,I would never oversee anything!'',,Or, whatever, if someone in the media would catch my face and recognize me, they would immediately destroy Zen's career...'' you mumbled, biting on your lip before sighing and telling the truth. ,,I worked on a sex cam when I was younger. I think... five years ago? I... I had some bad friends who told me how to make quickly some money and yeah...''No one dared to speak up, not even Zen, who was just as speechless as the other members.You glanced over to the person who just confessed to you. Would he leave you? However, to your surprise, Zen wasn't angry at you, but more at the other male member of the RFA. ,,I dare you, if you do some research on her, or if you find a video of her in the media, don't watch it! I will kill you! Not even I... well, not even we... how to say it...'',,Say no more!'' Yoosung said, covering his eyes. ,,I won't!'' he nodded.,,I will try to search up any videos to block them. I won't watch them, I promise!'' Seven muttered, maybe even blushed a bit too...

Yoosung ( kinda smutty )

,,Mc?'' Yoosung called you, wondering about the odd email you just got.,,Yes?'' you called back, slowly approaching Yoosung from the kitchen as you were just starting to prepare dinner for the both of you.,,You somehow just... got a weird email and it's not spam...'' he mumbled, looking at you.Stepping towards the table where your laptop was standing. You tried to find the email he just mentioned.,,Oh,'' you gasped. ,,I thought I deleted my data...'' you mumbled and tried to open the page.Yoosung was still kind of shocked and surprised next to you as he was trying to understand what you were doing.When you finally finished, you knew that you had to give him an explanation.,,I once worked in a sex cam... but it's more than ten years ago. Back then we really needed money and this was one of the things I could do comfortably,'' you nodded, remembering those times.,,Honestly, I would never do it again, but I must say I was good at it,'' you laughed and saw that Yoosung wasn't that overjoyed.Well, who would?But even though he was kind of surprised about this confession, he was brave enough to ask you how you did it and how you... liked it.And so, instead of explaining, you told him that you would show it to him...,,Oh my god, Mc, this isn't as good as sex but... ah!'' he moaned as he was touching himself, watching you over the camera while the both were doing a video call, a rather special one...Dinner could wait a bit after all.

Jaehee ( a bit smutty )

Your girlfriend looked over at you. She was still panting as she observed your body.,,Do you have a lot of experience?'' she asked you out of nowhere.You turned your head to her side. The bed was moving as you turned over, your body facing to her side.You took your arm and put it comfortably below your head before you answered her ,,I do'' you quickly said.,,I began pretty early, to be honest,'' you went on, thinking back.,,I was trying to find myself, to find things I like, a person I like... I was trying to get money. Maybe I wanted to get more experience so I began to work on a sex cam,'' you said.You could see how puzzled she was ,,really...?'' she gasped. ,,I didn't expect that from you...! You seem way too much like an angel!'' she commented.You nodded and began to tell her some details of your life before you got to know her.,,I had to post something every third day, like, I touched myself in front of the camera and for every other day, I was supposed to have video call sex with a customer... I think the first time one of them was a woman and I began to realize that I liked them too, so it's actually good that I began with the sex cam,'' you laughed.,,I have to show some gratitude to the woman back then, even though I would be jealous!'' she laughed, making you chuckle too. ,,Don't worry, you're the only one in my heart,'' you confessed and gave her a deep kiss on her lips.


Well, it wasn't that Saeyoung perhaps did a bad background check on you, he just didn't think that it could have been you? Only years later, when the both of you were already married and you were pregnant with your child while he was gone for a short three day job, the both of you somehow came to talk about it.,,I'm kind of horny...can't wait to get home and see you... touch your baby belly... maybe I can touch some more of your skin and make you... well, I will stop here,'' he whispered as he was laying in the bed in his hotel room.You chuckled as you too were laying in your shared bedroom.,,Well, we could do things like on the sex cams,'' you joked.,,Why, do you have any experiences?'' he asked you, something he meant as a joke. He didn't expect you to nod and tell him that you did.Well, Saeyoung didn't expect to hear it from his pregnant wife, the wife he lived with for three years.,,So... the woman I saw back then when I had to do a background check on you... was... it was actually you?'' he muttered, shocked. He was perhaps also a bit surprised and...kind of excited.Your eyes widened as you heard his words. ,,Wow, there are still some videos of me...? I thought my father made them delete them all...'' you gasped.,,YOUR FATHER KNEW?!'' he gasped. Now he was sitting up as he wanted to hear the whole story.Long story short - at that time you were trying to go against your strict parents and used this to vent.You had sex over video chat with strangers. You filmed yourself while touching yourself and you were almost about to have sex with someone when your father found out.,,He could make them delete the videos since I was a minor at that time... but the fact that you found some of them...'' you whispered, thinking back.,,Uhm... but you need to show me how it's done for real,'' he lied and waited for you to begin your session.And of course, even though you regretted some of your actions from the past, you didn't see anything bad in helping your horny husband...

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