Chapter 55- Well Deserved Punishments

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Wednesday, July 17: 7:45 AM

(Day 3)

Alina's POV:

I groan, opening my eyes and rubbing them slightly as I wake up, hoping it's not early as hell. "Good morning, my lady." Samuel smiles with his eyes closed, rubbing my waist softly to calm me down. After Luke and I had our quick sex session, I wasn't sleepy and waited until he fell asleep so I could leave.

He was quite sad when he found an empty space next to his body, plus, I heard that the five of them all had plans made for today, so Kyle dragged Luke along with him and they all left. "What time is it?" I ask, not wanting to roll over for it may wake me up more than I want.

"Approximately 7:48 in the morning, my lady." Samuel says as my eyes widen internally, yet not physically because I don't want to wake myself up. "You look quite funny, my lady." Samuel giggles as I close my eyes in annoyance, not knowing why I'm even up. "How are you awake as soon as I am?" I ask Samuel, pressing my head into his soft chest so I can try to fall asleep.

"I was cleaning, and heard you rustling a bit, so I came to cuddle with you before you woke up, so here I am, my lady." Samuel smirks devilishly with his eyes closed and I place my leg over his waist so I can be comfortable. "Put me back to sleep." I demand, trying to fall asleep with his warm body.

"I cannot do that. You will be asleep for too long, and we know what happens when you get too much sleep. You already almost pass that border. Every. Single. Day." I feel Samuel's body tense up and I giggle at the action, tracing a line around one of his abs subconsciously, just to relax myself.

"I know, I know...but it's not a big deal! I wouldn't hurt you! Plus, it restarts every time I wake up, and I wake up in the middle of the night a lot, so it's okay!" I laugh, wanting to leave hickeys on each and every one of his defined abs. He groans in slight pleasure and I feel his belly tense as he laughs at my childish movements.

"Can we have sex, please?" I ask, knowing that I fucked Luke not too long ago. "No my lady, as much as I want to...I'm afraid your scars will open if we do so." Samuel kisses my curls and takes a slight whiff of my hair, sighing softly at the relaxation the scent of my hair gives him.

"But that's not fair! You let Luke and I have sex, but we can't?" I pout as Samuel groans sadly, yet I feel him shift slightly. "With all due respect, my lady...this has to stop. I know you are eager for me, as am I the same for you, but you are in a relationship right now. We have already talked about this, and I don't support cheating. Plus...I would simply go too hard for I wouldn't be able to control myself if we did so, causing your scars to open." Samuel speaks in his usual formal tone, making me slightly shudder.

"I love it when your loyal.." I squeeze him tighter and fall back into sleep in his pale chest.


10:59 AM

"It's time to arise, my lady." Samuel's voice coos me from the outside, my dream passing along into the abyss of my unknown. "Dammit, Samuel. I forgot what my dream was about. What do you want?" I mutter irately, rubbing my eyes and opening them while I sit up, just to be blinded by the sun.

"Why is the curtain open, Samuel!?" I yell, covering my eyes with the blanket and feeling the heat on my back. "I didn't know any other way to wake you. You wouldn't listen or wake up." Samuel reasons, making my blood boil vigorously. "This isn't funny! Close them or I'm killing you!" I threaten, grabbing my gun from under Samuel's pillow and pointing it at him, my finger caressing the trigger seductively.

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