Chapter 3- Just A Scratch

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Alina's POV:

I groan as the bright light hits my eyes. I don't remember anything happening except the loud screeching of tires. Was I hit?

I look around and realize that I'm in a hospital bed, with no one around me. I lift myself up but immediately fall down after a sharp pain hits my ribs. Finally a doctor walks in with a clipboard and a serious look on his face.

"What...the fuck?" I manage to say, trying to lift myself up again. "Hey hey hey! Don't do that, you'll hurt yourself!" He grabs my shoulders gently and places me down. "Don't touch me." I shake my shoulders and wince in pain. "I told you not to move." He retorts.


I grab the blanket and lift it and see my horribly scratched legs. "The fuck is this?!" I yell, hanging my legs over the bed. I'm leaving, I need to find Luke and apologize for this mess. "No no, don't get up, you'll hurt yourself again!" The dickhead doctor runs to my side, but I'm already standing. "See? I can stand." I put my hands on my hips and give him a look. I start walking and I feel a pain in my ribs, once again.

"Miss, would you like me to read off what's wrong with you?" He asks. "No thanks, I'd rather not hear your voice right now." I manage to take a few steps and wonder why he's not doing anything.

"Call that boyfriend of hers in, she's being stubborn." My boyfriend? "What's his name, asshole?" I ask. "What's his name?" The doctor asks the person on the other line. "Uhh, Luke, she says." He answers. I open the door and try rushing to the front desk. "Luke!!" I yell out. "Alina!" He answers. I look behind me and try walking towards him. I misstep and I try getting ahold of something, but nothing's there.


I close my eyes and prepare for the immense amount of pain that's going to hit me, but I'm met with Luke's hands around me. He kneels down, turning me around and bringing me closer to him. He holds me close. "Luke.." "Shh." I stay quiet and he looks at me. "Alina! Fuck! I'm so sorry!" I see Calum running and his eyes are red and puffy. Was he crying?

"Cal? What are you doing here? How do you know Luke?" I ask as he crouches down beside me. "Alina, I'm so sorry, Hazel was cheating and Dylan caught her so he told me and I rushed home but I fucking hit you and-" "Wait, Cal, you're the one who hit me? I was hit?" He's sobbing and I suddenly chuckle.

"Cal, I didn't die, it's just a scratch." I caress his cheek and wipe his tears and he holds my hand. His eyes suddenly widen and he looks at me with an astonished expression. "Just a scratch?! You have broken bones, how could you say that?!" Calum yells. "Hey, I'm still here you know. I want love, too." Luke interrupts us.

"Does he know?" I ask Calum. "Y-Yes." He says. "About your psychopath best friend? Yes. She's such an ass to you." Luke murmurs. "I know, but she'd never do something bad to me. She told me something in the past, that was basically blackmail if I told anyone, and if she found out I said anything, she'd kill herself." I wink at Luke as his face is filled with shock.

"Chill, I won't let her kill herself." Luke smiles at my words and kisses my forehead. "Good to know, now let's get you back in bed." He reassures me and helps me stand up.

I'll escape, one way or another.

I've always hated hospitals for some reason. I guess it's the fact that each room is enclosed and makes me feel claustrophobic. I'm not sure, but it started after I was almost raped.

Since I'm pretty well-known, it's normal for people to want to seek me out and/or kill me. I don't use my guards anymore, but they'll still come to me when I need them. I was kidnapped by a random, yet familiar old man, and four men were delegated to rape me. I was tied there, and before the men did anything serious, the police came just in time. Destiny was one of the officers who saved me. She, a guy named Jeremy, and a cutie named Luke. He was the first to catch my eye, and I've been searching for him since that time.

Paranoid.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ