Chapter 38- A Correct Assumption

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Wednesday, July 1: 4:07 AM

Alina's POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night groggy as shit, knowing I can't fall back asleep. These past few weeks have been stressful enough. I haven't gotten any sleep, but now these incoming days are going to be paranoia and barely-any-sleep filled. I'll have force myself to fall asleep if I want it that badly.

It sounds stupid but I can go weeks without sleep and still be fine. I used it as an advantage in middle and high school. Even college, but I was often scolded by my father for doing that. I was never really good at hiding the fact that I hadn't slept in days, so my whole being would be a mess.

But whatever, even if I got dirty looks or was bullied, I started a business and it became popular very quick. Now I'm rich but mostly because of my family. Starting the businesses just added to the amount of money. Nonetheless I don't even remember any of my classmates names.

Except Scarlett...

But the others can kiss my ass.

But it's different. We're both kind of the same: psychopaths who get off on the pain of others.

"I should stop muttering to myself." I whisper, standing up from the bed and walking to my door. I sigh and write a simple note for Luke's knowledge:

Hello. It's me again. I'm not
going out, I'm somewhere around
the house and I've made specially known to myself that I shouldn't
go outside, no matter how much I want to. I woke up at around 4 and
couldn't force myself to go back to sleep. I tried.


I place the note on Luke's side table and allow him to sleep peacefully as I search for something to do. Earlier, I toured Owen around the places that are commonly used. His room is on the other side of the mansion, somewhere only I can go, and that's where I'm headed right now.

I find Owen's appearance quite disturbing. Smiley-faced, super nice, okay with anything. It doesn't settle right with me, it makes me want to kill him. But I can't, that's just my family-side of me talking. And even if I don't like it, I can't help it. Not to mention I can't just outright blow his brains to a pulp.

Felix likes him. If I do anything stupid, I might be disliked by Felix and I'll be practically digging my own grave. So what should I do?

What if my assumptions are right? What if he's actually a bad person who's trying to get me from Baxter's side? Was he hired by that immature little mutt? This is so frustrating...

"Sì, ci sarò tra due mesi. Tutto quello che devo fare è distruggere la ragazza e tornerò." Owen's voice is heard in his enclosed room. You know, being a noble has its advantages, but learning several languages wasn't one of them up until now. I've even learned sign language. I'm fluent.

Owen is speaking in Italian, translated to: "Yes, I'll be there in two months. All I have to do is destroy the girl and I'll come back."

I knew it. He was with Baxter all along! That bastard!

I take out my phone and start recording for Felix to hear when I tell him about this.

"No, non sono innamorato di quella fica! È solo qualcuno da cui posso fare sesso, cioè se diavolo me lo dia. A parte questo, il loro ragazzo è piuttosto inutile."

Paranoid.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora