Chapter 26- Fun in the Torture Chamber (Pt. 2)

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Thursday, January 28: 10:50 AM

Luke's POV:

"Wake up." I hear the silky voice of Alina speak, nudging me slightly. "It's time for the session." She nudges me again, a bit harder this time. I peek open my eyes and she looks at me with cold eyes, yet she expresses the vast excitement hidden inside them.

"Why are you excited?" I ask, pulling off the covers of the blanket and dragging my legs to the edge of the bed. She steps back and her eyes widen at my comment. "I'm not excited." She claims, putting back on her cold demeanor. "I can see it in your eyes." I tease, walking up to the closet and grabbing some clothes.

"We need to leave. Hurry up." She walks through the door and slams it shut, leaving me with no room to talk.

What's gotten into her?

I walk down the corridor and head down the stairs before chowing down breakfast with Samuel and the others. "Where are you headed in such a hurry?" Mika asks me as I eat my food not-so-politely. "I'm going to the torture chamber and Lia doesn't seem to be in a good mood." I mumble with food stuffed in my mouth.

"Awwe! He used her nickname again!" Mika exclaims, smiling widely. "I did?" I shove more food in my mouth and Mika nods as I finally finish my food. "Sorry, Samuel. I'll clean it up." I say, grabbing the plate and standing up to go wash it. "No, it's fine, young Master. I am a butler for a reason." Samuel stops me, grabbing my plate and placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Fine. Thank you." I turn around and walk away to the torture chamber. I'm glad Felix told me where to find it, because if he didn't, I would be in a world of shit trying to find where it is.

I walk down the complicated corridors and finally make it to the torture chamber doors. "Haha!! How do you like that?" I hear Alina's voice echo from throughout the room. I knock on the door and hear a faint "hm?" in response. "It's Luke." I hum, waiting for Alina to open the door.

"Is that your little fuck buddy, Lina?" I hear a strange voice remark, followed by a thump. "No, you cunt. Keep your prissy little mouth shut." Bren opens the door revealing Alina kicking the shit out of the guy that was probably talking shit, and around 13 other men chained up to chairs.

Why are they all lined up in a circle?

"Alina, what is this?" I ask as Bren shuts the door behind us, then disappearing into a dark corner of the room. "It's the torture chamber! Pretty, isn't it?" She asks, clapping her hands and smiling like an idiot. Suddenly, the man she was kicking earlier gets up and charges at her. "Lia! Watch out!" I shout.

Almost immediately, she dodges the man and he runs to me without hesitation. My reflexes react and I kick him in the stomach, making him fly back and fall at Alina's feet. "Good reflexes, but you'll need more than that. Go stand in the corner with Bren and watch, silently." She looks down and kicks the man in the face once more.

I walk silently to the dark corner and slump down to the floor. During the time I watched her torture these men, I realized what this woman actually is. Now this may sound stupid, but looking at her eyes gleam in happiness as she does what she desires makes me...want her more. I want her all to myself and no one else.

I realize that this is the woman I've really been waiting for. It's been my dream come true to see her heart shine out gracefully like this. It tells me that...she's happy, and I want to be that way too. Giving people the shit they deserve for ever betraying her and I.

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