Chapter 22- Getting Caught

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This whole chapter will be filled with smut starting in 1/3 of the story. Be aware:)

Also Alina gives Destiny nicknames like Scar (short for Scarlett, her last name) and Tiny, (short for Destiny.)

Tuesday, January 26: 5:44 PM

"You don't understand. He's a good guy, he'll protect me. And if he doesn't, I'll just...not have sex with him for a week." I shrug my shoulders and wink at Luke as I speak to Destiny on the phone.

Even though not having sex for a week would be more of a disadvantage for me since I can't keep my hands off of him...he's just so tempting.

I told Destiny that we've been dating for almost a year now and she thinks he's not a good fit for me. I understand where she's coming from: a friend who knew this guy as a complete douchebag.

But it's different. I just hope I'm not making the wrong choice. I mean, it doesn't feel wrong, but then again, he was pretty arrogant when we first met, so what should I believe?

I take that lie back, I was the one who was arrogant as hell. It's just in my nature, can't help it.

"I do understand! He was the biggest asshole in the world when we were partners. Always bragging about how hot he was or how big his dick was! It was annoying! But as soon as he met you, I saw that look in his eyes and now he's just..not an asshole anymore?! Come on." She yells skeptically through the line.

I giggle at her stupid response and Luke rolls his eyes. "I mean, he does have a big dick but he's a big softie now..." I tell Destiny as Luke glares at me with a scowl on his face. "What? You are." I tell Luke.

"Well some people don't change, and I really think he's one of those people. I don't know, maybe I'm jealous. I just wish I had a relationship like you do." She says. "Ugh, here we go again with the guilt trip. You'll find someone, it just takes time...and being less intimidating." I comfort her. "I know, but it's hard to not be when you're friends with the most well known billionaire, Alina. Plus, it seemed so easy for you to find your love. How did you do it?" She asks.

That's a good question. It seemed easy for both of us to confess our feelings to each other...

I've come to a conclusion...

"I got a cat." I say plainly. "What..?" She says. I can already see the confusion on her face. "I don't know, but since I first got Poppy, she taught me to have easiness with myself and to not be such a pussy about everything. Pun intended. I guess that's how I knew Luke was the one I wanted, not to mention he was the only guy I really found cute." I nod my head as if she can see me and she sighs over the phone.

"Some luck. He's one of the hottest guys I've seen. You have probably the highest standards in the world and he just arrives out of nowhere like prince charming." She sighs, "I just wish Calum were here...I loved him and he just...died." Destiny's voice comes out in a whisper and I pull the phone away from my ear and look at it crazily. "Did she really just say that?" Luke whispers. I nod and keep looking at the phone with my astonished expression.

"Should I tell her?" I whisper back to Luke. He shrugs and gives me a 'why not' expression and I press the speaker button. "Can we tell you something?" Luke says, creeping over my shoulder. Destiny sighs and accepts the offer. "Calum...isn't dead." Luke and I say simultaneously.

Destiny takes a pause and then yells through the phone. I immediately press the speaker button again and extend my arm out so her screaming isn't heard as loudly. After I hear faint panting, I pull the phone back to my ear.

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