Chapter 14- Stuck in a Predicament...

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Friday, May 8th: 11:45 AM

Alina's POV:

I wake up in Luke's arms, facing him. Since I've been sleeping with Luke, I haven't had any nightmares for the last 3 weeks. It's not like I want him to sleep with me because it takes away the nightmares, but..

Alright fine...that's one of the reasons. The main reason is because of the warmth it gives me when we cuddle in bed. It makes me feel a

"Good morning, princess." Luke's hoarse voice mumbles. I melt just hearing it go off repeatedly in my head. "Morning. What time is it?" I reach for the clock next to my bed and grab it, squinting my eyes so I can see it. 11:47.

I yawn and hide my head in Luke's chest. He runs his hands through my hair and scratches my scalp lightly, making me shiver. It feels relaxing.

"Samuel, wake me up at 1, will you?"

Because of our contract, Samuel and I have ways of speaking to each other with our minds and bodies. He trained me when I was young, and I take advantage of it sometimes.

"Yes, my lady."

I fall back asleep and experience my good dreams. They're lucid, and I remember ever single detail of them. I wouldn't want to forget them, considering I would always have nothing but nightmares.

Unless Luke is with me.

I wonder why that happens? His aura makes me feel secure with myself, solemn and safe within my own body. It's a phenomenal thing, really. I've never experienced that with anyone I've slept with. Not my friends, not my brothers when I was younger, not even with Samuel.

Could it be...he's the one..?

I feel a nudge at my waist. I ignore it, for it might be Luke squeezing me closer, but it's felt more times, making me irritable. "What?!" I snap. "It's 1 o'clock, my lady. It's time to arise." Samuel calls. "Urgh, fine. Luke, wake up please." I caress my thumb over Luke's soft lips, paying no mind to Samuel. "So beautiful.." I stare at his face in admiration.

He opens his eyes and smiles at me, making me jerk away and blush.

"I caught you." He teases, poking my nose. "Are you both done, my lady?" Samuel clears his throat. I groan, unamused at Samuel's purposeful intervention. "Yes. Where are my clothes?" I ask as Samuel drags me to the edge of my bed. "My lady, you ask this every day, they will always be on the chair." Samuel retorts.

"Well, maybe you...moved it or something." I huff as Samuel slides on my clothes. Thankfully today I don't have to wear a dress, since I want Luke to rip it off as soon as we get back here from the company.

Then it hits me..

"Fuck! I totally forgot. Samuel, I got it, shit shit shit." I hurriedly put on my clothes and head out the door after grabbing my keys. Thankfully it's only a 30 minute drive, 20 when I'm speeding.

The drive to my small house is stressful. Luke asked what was wrong, but I didn't have time to explain. I left without a word to anyone. Let's hope the money is still there. I see my house from 6 blocks away and speed faster, ignoring anyone coming my way.

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