Chapter 61 - It's About Time

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Monday, July 22: 3:05 AM

(Day 8)

Alina's POV:

Tossing and turning. That's all I've been doing for the past 3 hours. You would think I'd be fast asleep from the amount of alcohol I have in my system, but no, the sudden insomnia is kicking my ass. "This is such bullshit." I whisper to myself, rolling over for the 1000th time this night.

Luke has been talking in his sleep quite a bit lately, saying cute things like "I wuv you" or bullshit like "boobies" which has made me chuckle over the time period. I'm not too bored, considering that and the fact that there's a small night light. Plus, I like to think to myself about mostly important things that are going on, or just thinking on past memories.

"Kissy kissy~" Luke rolls over and puckers up his lips, pressing his finger to his cheek. That's another thing Luke does. At first, I thought it was actually him waking up and asking for a kiss, but no, he was still sleeping. "Mwah~" I place a kiss on his cheek and he smiles, patting my head softly and rolling back around.

"Thank you, baby." Luke giggles to himself as I shake my head, "You're welcome." I return, seeing Luke try to hold my hand. Sometimes I can have full blown conversations with Luke, I mean, ignoring the fact that sometimes he's rambling about god knows what, you can actually have a decent conversation with him.

It's quite funny.

I grab Luke's hand as he squeezes it, causing me to relax at the touch. His thumb caresses over my hand, making me close my eyes and start to suddenly fall asleep. It was as if he knew I couldn't fall into sleep...

"Fucker." I mumble, intertwining my hand with his and falling asleep.


1 hour later: 4:15 AM

Aaaand I'm back up again. This is actually getting annoying. Maybe I shouldn't have had so many shots at the strip club.

I groan, feeling a nauseating feeling in my stomach and grabbing at my stomach after letting Luke's hand go. I get up from the bed and cover my mouth, pausing before running to the bathroom. Instead of using the toilet in my room, I run as quickly and quietly as possible to another room so I can throw up.

After regurgitating my guts and alcohol out, my contract mark glows, indicating Samuel is nearby. I hide and try not to make a noise, but it's no use since he's already barged in the door. Thankfully I hid in the cabinet so he can't find me, so once he leaves, I can go outside. "My lady, I know you're near..." Samuel whispers, walking around as I peek out of the door.

As soon as I hear the door close, I take a run for it, managing to open the curtains until I'm swooped back by an arm, while their hand covers my mouth. I struggle and shake, clamping my teeth down as hard as I can on their hand. "M-My lady-!" Samuel whispers frantically as I realize I bit his bad hand.

"Were you the one vomiting?" He asks as I shake my head. Samuel pushes my stomach in forcefully, causing me to gag, push him away and quickly run to the bathroom to hurl. I flip him off as I do so, practically fuming about why he did that.

Once I finish for the second time, Samuel hands me a damp wash towel in concern. "Fuck off." I slap his forearm since his hand is badly damaged from my doing, before flipping him off. "Why are you vomiting, my lady?" He asks, rubbing my back to soothe me while I growl, glaring at him. "The alcohol in my system has to come out one way or another." I sneer as he leans back, hands up in surrender.

"I see. Well in that case, do you want to do something? I know you can't sleep." Samuel suggests as I stand up, wiping my mouth with my forearm, seeing him clench his jaw at my actions. "Sure. Wanna play cards?" I ask, latching into his arm and resting my head on his bicep as he laughs.

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