Chapter 57 - Switched

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Friday, July 19: 11:20 AM

(Day 5)

Alina's POV:

I open my eyes to the sound of birds chirping their lives away. It's quite annoying if I do say so myself, considering I planted trees far away for a reason. But it's reminds me a bit of my childhood.

"Good morning, my lady. I see you're already awake?" Samuel knocks on the door and let's himself in, yawning in the process. I nod and stand up, attempting to wake myself up but looking stupid. He carries me bridal style to my bathroom and strips me of my clothing, making me cover myself up.

"My lady..?" "I know, I know...just a little insecure is all." My voice is in a whisper as Samuel smiles, taking my hands away from my body and making me feel pretty. "Can you bring me a sandwich? I know it's not supper time, but my tummy's grumbly.." I giggle as Samuel bows, "Yes, my lady." He walks out.

"Oh, and don't forget to bake me some cookies in the process, too!!" I shout, earning a louder response from Samuel. I reach a hand down my body slowly, my fingers just yearning to pleasure myself. "Ngh~haah.." Soft moans leave my mouth as I lay my head back and slip a finger inside myself.

It doesn't take long until my contract mark glows, telling me that Samuel is around, but it's nothing I can see, my eyes are closed. "Ah! Fuck~!" I whimper loudly, biting my knuckle like I always do. Little did I know, a certain someone was admiring the sight of me pleasuring myself. "What an astounding sight to see, my lady." Samuel's voice comes in a deep whisper as I yell and open my eyes, trying to grab the invisible gun that's laying next to me.

"Where's my gun? I need it." I mutter, giving a death glare to Samuel. He smiles and takes it out of his hand, pointing it directly toward me. "...Samuel?" I ask, bringing my hands up to my forehead. He smiles and points it toward himself, pulling the trigger as I scream.

"SAMUEL!!" I hop out of the tub and run toward him, not caring about my naked body. "My lady...this is fake. You should have known that." Samuel giggles as I attempt to pick up his body from the floor. "That was a dick move, Samuellis!" I yell, standing up and attempting to kick him directly in the dick, yet failing because he pushes my foot away lightly.

"Get in the tub, my lady. We need to wash you." Samuel coos as I slip inside, tears still brimming my eyes. He places the gun down on the chair next to the plate of cookies and allows me to start eating. "Stand up, my lady." He helps me up and washes over my body, even my most sensitive parts. He washes my legs and feet before allowing me to sit down and talk to him about whatever while he washes my hair.

"Pfft! Oi, your-pft-getting water in my-Samuel!" I squeeze my eyes shut and rub them, turning around just to be splashed in the face again. "Samuellis! Stop it, that is an order!" I stand up and almost trip and fall in the process. "Yes, my lady.." He replies in a sad tone as I step out and grab a towel. Even if I'm still perturbed, I allow him to dress me.

"Why did you do that?" I scold, crossing my arms over my chest as I do the same with my legs. "W-Well I thought it would be fun...since you don't like being cooped up here. I didn't know you'd be mad, my lady." Samuel puts his head down and I stiffen at his words.

He was trying to appease me by playing? Samuel isn't the type to play around and have fun unless it's with children...did he have a sudden change of heart or something?

"Oh...well, next time just ask, and we can do whatever you please...depending on the thing." I annunciate the last part, knowing he won't get his way every time. "Yes, my lady. What would you like to have for dinner this evening?" Samuel takes me by the hand and brings me to the table to see what Samuel's cooking.

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