Chapter 70 (Story): Interrogation For The Answer (Pt. 1)

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(continued- Saturday, July 29: 11:35 AM)

Kyle's POV:

"Ngh! Ah, Kyle yes!" I listen in on the moaning coming from Felix. "Is he having a dream?" I turn around and ask, my face blushing a deep red.

Everyone starts trying to hold their giggles in until everyone bursts into laughter. "Someone's horny!" Alina points at the huge bulge in my tight pants and I cover it up with wide eyes.

"Fuck off." I walk away and down the hall to look for a room, seeing "Jekyll" right across "Hyde".

How clever, Alina.

I open the door and walk inside, seeing how big the room is. It's not as big as the one Felix and I sleep in, but it's still so nice. The bed is perfectly made and there's lots of white decor.

And of course, the windows are blacked out.

I close the door behind me and make sure no one is in the room. I relax as my body sinks into the bed.

I sigh in relief as I close my eyes to embrace the comfortability of the bed. My hand reaches down to my pants and I unbutton my gray jeans.

So funny, my jeans are gray.

My dick springs out of my pants and I kick off the blanket so I can have room. I start to stroke...


Luke's POV:

"BAHAHAHAHAH HE'S ACTUALLY MASTURBATING!!!" Alina is on the floor laughing in a fetal position, tears drenching her cheeks.

I laugh at the view that I'm seeing as Kyle leans his head back in pleasure. Luckily there's no audio because all of us would be on the floor dying. Alina finally calms down and stands up, pulling my shirt and leading me down to her height. "We should go bust him!" She giggles and I smile and nod.

Her face lights up in excitement and happiness before leading me to the room Kyle is in. "Shh.." Alina puts her ear against the door and starts to listen then proceeds to slightly turn the knob and kick the door open.

"Luke you motherf-" Kyle yells after putting his dick away, seeing Alina's happy face. I mess with her hair as she looks at Kyle with excitement in her eyes. "We got you." Alina giggles and Kyle stands up, back faced towards us. He pulls up his underwear and pants and turns around, charging at Alina with a devilish smile on his face.

She happily screams in surprise and runs away almost immediately. "I'm gonna get you shortie!" Kyle screams as I walk toward their direction with my hands in my pockets. "You can't use your wings that's cheating!!!!" Kyle reminds Alina as she almost takes her wings out.

She keeps on running and goes up the stairs and I see Kyle get on her tail really quickly. "Samuel Samuel! Come get me!" Alina giggles and jumps off the stair railing, but doesn't see Samuel anywhere under her. I run under the underside of the stairs, prepared to catch her and black wings come out of her back before she falls in my arms.

Alina looks down at me and smiles, floating down and letting me catch her. I hug her until Levi separates from her and starts yelling. "You idiot! Why didn't you think of your wings in the first place!?" He snatches the underwear from Alina's hand and puts them on.

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