Chapter 53- Hyperventilation

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(Same day)-2:46 PM


"You're a disgrace to your family! Now I know why your mother hates you!" They slash and beat me to a pulp, ceasing to stop even as the blood spills out of my mouth. "Please...stop.." My pleads are useless, for they only bring more pain and agony to my body. "You can still speak? Seems we haven't punished you enough!" They continue to whip and slash at my body as I cry out.

I'm taken away and chained on a cold table of some sort as all these filthy men look at my small, naked body. I attempt to look up, but I feel a sharp pain hit my thighs and back. It goes on for what feels like forever, until I'm unchained and flipped over to be finished off. "No! Wait! Please~" I feel my eyesight vanish and painful burns coarse throughout my whole body.

What's going on?! I can't see anything! What happened?


"Samuellis...shall be your name. You shall serve me forever in trade with my soul.." I order, not knowing what words are even coming out of my mouth. I'm only six years old! Who's Samuellis? "Yes, my lovely lady~" A hypnotizing voice echoes around me, causing me to wake up from my slumber.

"Who could have done this to my daughter?! This is unacceptable! She's the only girl I have!" My father's voice bellows our as I see bright lights flash above me. "She's awake, s-sir Rose." A small voice is heard as my father picks me up, causing agonizing pain to shoot through my body.

A wretched, blood-curdling scream rips out of my throat and my father puts me down as I scream out in pain. He looks at his hands and sees red...blood. It's terrifying to see, so I close my eyes. "Sir! Her wounds have opened up again!" The doctor injects a serum into my neck from a needle, causing me to stop my screams and fade away back into unconsciousness.


"She's alright now, sir. It's suggested she doesn't participate in anything vigorous, such as standing up or stretching, for now. She'll need to rest until her wounds heal, but they'll definitely leave scars...I'm sorry, sir." The doctor says, looking at me with a sad expression and bowing toward my father.

"Get out..." I glare at my father, knowing this is definitely his doing. He protests and yells at me, causing pain to go through my body again. I wince, squeezing my eyes shut and feeling another wound open. "Sir! Please don't cause her to get mad, her scars will open up if she strains herself!" The doctor pleads with my father as I see a tall man come up behind him.

"Sir..I can take care of this..." The man says, giving him a sinister glare with his smiley face. My father's face turns into a fearful expression as he scatters out of the room along with the doctor. "S-Samuellis? Is that you?" I reach out toward him as he covers my naked body with his coat, smiling.

"A small girl like you shouldn't be so brutally humiliated. Yes, that is the name you gave me. I will serve you forever, my little lady, until the day you die." Samuellis smiles and caresses my hand with his thumb, causing relaxation to go through my body.

"May I call you Samuel? Or...Or Sammie?" I look at his blushed face and reach out for him, but he places his hand on my chest to push me back down. "Yes, you may, for I am all yours. Rest now, my little lady, so you can come back home with me for awhile." Sammie smiles, kissing my forehead with his gentle lips.

I feel myself being taken away, carried to an unknown place. My thoughts being it's the amazing man who saved me from those men, taking me somewhere, but damn, was I wrong.

"Heh, we got her now. Wait till she gets the next bit of work done to her, she'll surely be dead then." They growl to each other, making fear and anger overcome my body. I'm chained up once again, this time lying on my back.

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