Come Into My Parlor

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"Don't worry I'm not a Terrorcon anymore Shockwave cured me." Arachnid told the frightened seeker who was now going crazy struggling against the webs.

"But I do have plans for you." She said in a way that made Starscream uneasy. He started to scream for help hoping someone might hear and come aid him.

But as if sencing what the seeker was about to do Arachnid shot some more webs over his mouth to gage him. Then hit him hard across the helm. And Starscream knew no more.

Starscream came to awhile later and realized he was still webbed up and in his own basement. And tried to scream only to realize the webs were still over his mouth.

"Enjoy your nap?" Arachnid mocked him as she entered from the stairs.

Starscream just glared at her not happy about being a prisoner in his own home.

"I was surprised to learn you of all bots joined the Autobots now I plan to use you as bait to kill as many of them as I can." Arachnid explained.

"Their bound to come looking for you if you don't make contact for awhile and I'll be here waiting to kill them when they do." She finished.

"Hah the jokes on her none of the Autobots would come for me I may be one of them now but I don't think any of them care for me as a friend they'd probably be happy to get rid of me." The seeker thought to himself. "Arachnid is self foiling now."

Arachnid saw something of a smile in the seeker's optics and it enraged her. "Smiling are we well I can fix that." She hissed in the seeker's audio receptors.

Then she started using her leg claws and acid to attack his wings. Now Starscream had coolant tears spilling from his optics and was letting out crises of pain through the webs that were still gagging him.

Then the spider bot used her acid to burn the seeker's cheek before leaving him down there to suffer by himself for a bit. Starscream ended up passing out from the pain after a few minutes.

Meanwhile Knock Out decided to try again to make up with Starscream after Smokescreen told him where the seeker lived. Though he was expecting the seeker to just slam the door in his faceplates.

But he was surprised to find it open. And guessed something was wrong so rushed in to make sure Starscream was OK.

While meanwhile Starscream woke up when he heard tires and someone transform. He hadn't excepted anyone to come to check on him especially this soon. He had to figure out a way to get them to leave or at least warn them about Arachnid.

But the webs made it impossible for him to speak and had him trapped against the wall.

"No go back!" "Get out of here!" "Arachnid will kill you!" Starscream was trying to yell at the top of his voice box but the webs made it too muffled to understand.

Then Knock Out appeared at the bottom of the stairs having just made his way down them.

"Starscream?!" He said in shock upon seeing the seeker webbed up and the state of his wings.

Starscream was still letting out muffled screams trying to warn him to run but now realized his error his attempt to warn him had ironically lured him down there he should have stayed quite and maybe the Auston Martin would have given up and left.

"Don't worry I'll get you out of their and fix you up." Knock Out said as he went to try to get the webs off Starscream.

But Starscream optics suddenly widened and his screams got more desperate.

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