Choice C) (Continue The Story)

Start from the beginning

For most people, being chased by an enraged priest would be a frightening experience. For Theresa however, it was all in good fun. After all, when was the last time she got chased by a priest? Twooooooo, threeeee, months ago? Far too long ago, in any case.

As she swerved around a corner, she ran into Freya, running the opposite direction, Astrid right behind her, in white suit thingies.

Theresa skidded to a stop, but before she could ask what they were running from, a gunshot rang through the air, right beside her head.

Well, that was enough answer for her to start bolting in the same direction as the twins.

As she sped down the street, she soon realized that the twins were heading in the direction of their treehouse. None of their parents knew about it, as it had been built by the group, and the group alone. Usually, they wouldn't meet until tomorrow, but in this circumstance, timing really wasn't a consideration.

To her surprise, the treehouse was not empty. As the three of them climbed inside, she saw Ella and Maeve already curled up inside, both pressed against the back wall, as if worried they were going to be-


"What the fuck is going on?"

Theresa snapped, before Maeve shushed her.

"Be quiet. They could still be out there."

She whisper scolded.

Theresa rolled her eyes.

"Okay, what the fuck is going on?"

She whispered snarkily.

Time rewind brought to you by Theresa's lack of caution

Astrid's POV

Tae kwon do was never particularly interesting.

You do warmups, you practice sparring, you get lectured for hitting your opponent too hard, you leave.

That schedule did not include having two suited guys show up in your dojo and grab your twin sister.

And yet, this was happening right in front of her.

Astrid grinned.

Time for some real sparring practice.

 She stomped over to them, and kicked the first in the head. As she'd hoped, he lost his grip on Freya, and crumpled. She grabbed Freya, and the two had barely taken a step when she saw the other man pulling something out of his pocket.

Her head seemed like it was on fire with red flags.


Her feet seemed to move without her choosing to move them, and she and her sister were suddenly running faster than they'd ever run before. Her mind still shouted 'fight' but it seemed like her legs refused to obey. 

Out, out, out of the building, forgetting clothes and parents, barely even remembering to step into their shoes, and then they were gone.

Present time

Mrs Huxley's POV

He was very calm for someone who had just lost his two children.

All he did was pace, and whatever he did in his office. 

She wasn't sure what she'd expected for Ted, but she had thought, or maybe hoped that her husband would show at least a little remorse, or a little sadness for Felix.

He'd never been what an ordinary parent would call 'close' with either child, but he'd made some kind of effort to participate in Felix's life, or at least to a point.

She herself, although she'd never said it out loud, had always been partial to Ted. Felix had always reminded her uncannily of her husband, even though she'd always tried to remind herself that he was probably like that because of the pressure he had from his father, but she could never get past his dead eyed grimace.

Until, she'd met you. You seemed to bring the brothers together, for better or for worse. In all fairness, the two had had very little exposure to people other than their family, so it might have been a new connection, or it might have been your easygoing, kind nature. 

And, even if she'd never admit it, she had liked the dog. 

It was messy, and slobbery, and real. 

Real was why she liked Ted. He showed his emotions, even if he was always criticized for them, and he cared about his family.  

She should have done something to protect them.

At first, at had just been shock The idea that one of her children could murder the other didn't fit in her world view. I wasn't how life worked.  Had he known? Had he told Felix to?

She may never know.

But now Felix was gone too. Of his own accord, she was sure, and she couldn't say she blamed him. She wanted to run now too.

But I can't.

She reminded herself.

Just two more days.

She allowed herself a small smile.

And then this place will burn.

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