Chapter 44: The Fallen Alestotarchiká arises part 5: A strange spawn

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We open to a dark alley where two journalists were walking. They had a meeting with some person who had information about one of the resistance research labs.

Journalists 1: So are you sure we can trust this guy about those labs?

Journalist 2: He said that he was once a resistance soldier, but he quit after what happened in that city. You know. When they built with one hundred and fifty floors crashed. Pretty much everyone died in that attack, I could see why he would quit.

Journalists 2: All I'm saying is that I don't believe that they will let go of someone who knows about their secrets.

They both stopped as someone walked out of the shadows, he looked frightening and he was hyperventilating.

Journalists 1; Um. Hello. Were you the one that I spoke with over the phone?

The guy didn't answer and he just looked at them, scared to move. Journalists 2 looked at Journalists 1 who stepped forward.

Journalists 1: We're just here to talk. You said you had information about the project that the Resistance was conducted on young children? Do you know where this facility is? Or have any other information?

A click of a gun was heard and Stan was shot through the chest, blood splattering on the journalist's face.

Resistance soldier 1: Look like your meeting just got cut short.

The first one stepped back but the barrel of a shotgun hits the second journalist face and he fell to the ground as the shotgun was aimed in his face

Resistance soldier 2: You should have never come here, buddy.

Journalist 2: Please! No-

He was shot in the square in the face, blood and bits of brain hit the wall behind him.  Lightning illuminates the area and someone was standing on the roof of a church looking down in the alley, a long red cape flowing in the wind and one green glow. The first turn and ran away only for the first resistance soldier to shoot him in the leg, this of course made the Journalist fall, an SUV pulled up and five more resistance soldiers walked out.

Resistance soldier 3: Is this the last guy?

Resistance soldier 1: Yeah, let's hurry this up.

He nods and begins to dump gasoline on the cowering journalist.

Journalist 1: (cowering) You don't have to do this.....P-please let me go......I won't tell anybody. I-I got a wife......I got kids.

Resistance soldier 3: Well for their sake I hope you have good life insurance.

The other resistance soldiers laughed at this but a low monotone woman's voice was heard from the shadows.

????: Let him go.

As they looked around two do them were grabbed by the head and pulled into the shadows. Screaming was heard but it was quickly followed by silence. As the six resistance soldiers looked into the shadows the bodies were thrown back at them, one of which hit the guy who was holding a lighter. The journalist looked in horror as the lighter fell but it closed upon impact. He sighs in relief while two chains come from the shadows wrapping around the resistance soldiers neck, with a quick yank their necks were snapped and they were pulled into the shadow

As they looked around something came up infront of four of them, a woman who seemed to be 18 years old, all they saw was her one glowing green and her red cape that seem to keep growing, opening up like dragon wings, they heard hissing someone from the cape or the person. But they were too scared to look and all they did was open fire but this, thing seem like the bullets weren't affecting it. Four chains came out the shadow of the cape wrapping around there necks, they all choked as they were raised into the air, one being thrown through the window of the SUV, this, in turn, killed him right away and the other three were slammed into the wall and then into the ground, their necks cracked from the impact and the figure in question walked over to the last resistance soldier who pulled out a revolver to shoot the thing, but it grabbed their arm and forcefully shoved the gun towards the person's head, breaking their elbow so bad that the skin and meat around the area broke apart showing their bone.

Loud lights: Project Divine light(remastered)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ