Chapter 45: The Fallen Alestotarchiká arises part 6: Battle in the forest

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Lincoln, Lynn, Leroy, Lola, and Lana was heading to one of the buildings that we're throwing a party, the little flashes Lincoln have been seeing have stopped, for now.

Lincoln: Huh. The first day and there's already a party.

Lynn: Don't be a buzzkill during this Lincoln.

Lincoln: Yeah. What's safer than mutants and metahumans being drunk.

Leroy: You're overthinking this man.

Lincoln: I really hope that I am. (he muttered to himself and walked inside. Immediately everyone split up so Lincoln just walked towards one of the corners of the parties to stay clear of everyone) maybe I can just wait this out over here. Or I can just leave. Although it feels like I'm

He walked up to a cake that was in there and be got flashes of the Asmenians letters in his head. He places one finger on the edge of the cake and wrote one of the letters down on the table, he did it once again when he ran out of icing for the first two, beside him was Tabby who looked at the symbols strangely before she looked at Lincoln.

Tabby: Are you alright mate?

Lincoln: Yeah. I was just um. Getting a napkin for my drink. (he takes a napkin and heads to the nearby table where a guy was handing out drinks. He wakes back over to Tabby with it) cheers.

Tabby: Hey Lincoln. I wanna dance~

Lincoln: Oh um no. I can't I'm in an umm(he thinks about an excuse and remember Ronnie Anne) I'm in a sorta long-distance relationship that could maybe go somewhere. So I don't wanna do anything that can be considered unfaithful to her.

Tabby: Come on, it's just a party, and I wanna have fun. Besides, you didn't seem to mind years ago during the school dance.

Lincoln: That was different. My sisters set y'all up with me without my knowledge, and if you want to have fun we can maybe play cards or something. I'll take this side while you sit over there.

Random guy 1: Hey! Who got the yellow camero! It's on the lawn!

With that Lincoln heads outside knowing that it has to be Grey, Lynn and Lana followed him and low and behold, it's Grey's car minus Grey, and the car alarm was going off.

Lynn: So...who deals with it?

Lincoln: I can, y'all just have fun with your party. (Lincoln ran down to the car, the window was open so he was able to reach his hand in and turn off the alarm) the heck are you doing here?

Grey: We have a problem.

Lincoln looked around for the source of the voice since he didn't see Grey.

Random guy1: Freshman! Is that your car!?

Lincoln:, it's an um friend of mines. He went to buy you an um....tighter shirt?

Random guy 2: There is no tighter shirt. We already checked. (him and the first guy fist bumps) now how about I plant my foot up your ass?

Lincoln: Oh yeah? What size shoes do you wear? Oh wait nevermind, I'm sure your heart problems will kick in on the walk over here.

Random guy 2: you wanna go, bro!?

Lincoln: I would, but it wouldn't be fair for your heart.

Grey: (whisper) Lincoln gets in the damn car.

Lincoln sighs as he opens the door and gets inside the car and he rolled up the windows.

Lincoln: Where are you exactly?

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