Chapter 47: The Fallen Alestotarchiká arises part 8: The spy

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We open up on the Fallen watching over a city as the ship he had brought made short work of the divine light agents and military Air Force trying to bring it down, they couldn't get past the shields of the ship, while trying so they're losing a great amount of their fighting force. Fallen was about to head to Egypt to find what was hidden when Michael lands behind him.

Michael: We could not locate the boy, but my men are searching far and wide to find him.

Fallen: No need. (The fallen simply told him as he slowly floats towards Michael) I have a spy with him, as nightfall hit I went you to send some of your men towards his location and bring him to me.

Michael: Yes master. (As the Fallen turns away Michael spoke up) what is so important about this boy surely the Kl Sharara has given others powers.

Fallen: There is so much you need to learn my apprentice. Our race has been coming to earth for years, and we look just like humans. No one could tell unless they see the same person for many years.

Michael looks down, and then he looks up raising an eyebrow.

Michael: Is he....a half breed? I didn't know that...

Fallen: Yes. The louds grandfather had relations with one of the original Alestotarchiká females. She was the last original to die before the councils were made up for new choices. Then the gene was passed down to Rita loud, it didn't help that she was in close proximity of the Kl Sharara and as it went off it gave her power greater than others, and when she had Lincoln. It all went to him, making him a half Asmenian conduit. That also goes for one of the reasons why Lincoln was able to fuse with Alcatraz when the bomb went off. It wouldn't have killed them, but they would've needed time to heal, instead their parts fused into one singular being.

Michael: I see.

Fallen: Then that scientists ran an experiment on him, and made him a living weapon, his abilities they were given are greater then you think, battle tactics, slow down fights so he could see where he should hit or what to do, learn new fighting styles or learn to use weapons to help defeat is opponent, maximum durability, maximum strength, maximum power. Then he unlocked is full conduit ability. He knows have the knowledge of our race and it's inevitable when that system inside of him finds a way to decode it and put it in his language. He will be able to find what we need that's in Egypt, and the power could bring back Alcatraz.

Michael just nods before he gets up and flies off, the fallen only looked back at the destruction, and grins under his helmet.

Fallen: With Alcatraz.....any hidden Alestotarchiká half breed will get a sudden power spike if his Alestotarchiká energy does to them....if it goes to the boy, this can be easy. But that Xeno girl. Is she one? She's different from all of the other Xeno hybrids...but all will be answered soon.

French narrator: meanwhile

Grey and jolt came back from their scouting mission and they walked up to Lincoln who was sitting alone.

Grey: Lincoln are you okay?

Lincoln: No, I'm not okay. Alcatraz is dead. The fallen have the world against me, I don't know what the rest of my sisters are doing, Michael army is searching for me and worse is that I let Alcatraz die infront of me, I could've helped.

Jolt: But they wanted you Lincoln...

Lincoln: No, I could've leaped in and stopped Michael after stabbing Alcatraz. I just watched him die....(he sighs) I have to be the weakest Lincoln there is if there's a multiverse, not counting whatever is the original. But imagine if I'm weaker than a one-punch Lincoln, or a Lincoln that's a sayian....or a hulk.

Loud lights: Project Divine light(remastered)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz