Chapter 22: Project frostman part 2/The Radiant mask.

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A man in a Predator mask was holding a smoking silenced pistol and he ejects a shell casing. This is Duncan, he is shaved around the head and he seems to have a black faux. He turns to a second man, Jorge, he was overweight and he had dark blonde stand up hair, he also had a predator mask and he steps forward with a Cable Launcher aims at a lower roof across the street and fires a cable across. Duncan secures the line to an I-beam line- clamp on- he sends a kit bag out then steps out the window...

The men slide across the cable and lands on the lower roof across the street.

A man on the corner of a crossroads was holding a different predator mask with a blue visor. His name was Trent, he takes off his glasses as an SUV pulls up. The man gets in, puts on his mask. Inside the car there two other men wearing a predator mask. One had a purple visor and his name was Richie and the other one had a red visor.

Trent: Three of a kind.

One of the Predator masked people looks up from loading his automatic weapon.

Richie: That's it? Three guys?

Chandman: There's two on the roof. Every guy is an extra share. Five shares are plenty.

Trent: Six shares. Don't forget the guy who planned the job.

Richie: Yeah? He thinks he can sit it out and still, take a slice then I get why do they call him the Radiant Mask?

Richie cocks his weapon as Trent pulls the car over in front of a Divine light base. It looked like some sort of bank.

Duncan open an access panel

Jorge: Why do they call him the Radiant Mask

Duncan: As you can see, his team wear stolen predator mask from the ones he killed, his mask is more, Radiant.

Jorge: Radiant?

Duncan pulls out thick bundles of blue CAT 5 cables.

Duncan: Yeah. To scare people. The mask has kill paints on it from what the predator has hunted and what he had hunted. It's Radiant from the green blood of the predators.

Richie, Chandman, and Trent get out of the car and march into the bank with some alien assault rifles.

The Security Guard looks up as Richie fires into the ceiling.

People begin to scream as Richie cracks the Security Guard across the face. As Trent and Chandman round up the hostages, one of the Tellers presses a button mounted beneath her window, a silent alarm. Duncan watches the alarm ping his handheld.

Duncan: Here comes the silent alarm. (touches a button)

Duncan: It didn't dial out to 911 or any back up Divine light soldiers. It must be an agent. We should get going.

Jorge: Is it a problem?

Duncan: No, no. I'm done here.

Jorge and Duncan pick up their bag and force open the roof access door and speeds down the stairs, to the basement. Jorge slammed into a door bursting it open and they come face to face with a room with ten divine light guards loading their weapons. Before any of them could open fire Jorge and Duncan gunned them all down easily.

They walked in and comes face to face with a huge vault. Trent and Richie move down the line of hostages Trent hands each Hostage an object from a bag. Which were Predator grenades? Richie
follows, pulling the pins.

Chandman: Obviously, we don't want you doing anything with your hands other than holding on for dear life.

A gunshot was heard and they turn to see that Trent was shot by a shotgun but he was fine. He ran to cover.  Chandman and Richie dive for cover the Bank Manager steps out of his office with a shotgun in hand follows by ten divine light soldiers. Trent shoots two of the guards in the head with his assault rifle but ends back into cover as the bank manager fired ah where he was and the guards open fire. Richie quickly gets up and he shot the bank manager in the shoulder, the guards looked at them but before they could even pull the trigger most of them were caught off guard by Trent and Chandman who came from cover to fire upon the guards.

Jorge clamps a drill to the vault the bit Spins slides into the metal door but a bolt of Electricity tops through the drill throwing Jorge to the floor.

Duncan: Well fuck.

Chandman went to pick up the shotgun. The manger had.

Chandman: You two stay up here. I'll be right back.

Chandman heads down the stairs in the back as he starts loading fresh shells into the shotgun.

Bank manager: You have any idea who you' re stealing from? You and your friends are dead.

Trent looks down at him Says nothing.

Jorge looks at the vault door, barefoot, turning the tumblers with hands stuffed into his shoes as Chandman walks in.

Trent: Is that thin wired up with 5,000 volts? What kind of bank does that?

Duncan: A Divine light base. The radiant mask gets most of his gear from them. (Duncan shrugs as he grips the wheel bolt and spins it.)

The vault door opens and as it does Trent quickly opens fire inside gunning down the waiting guards. He takes out a grenade and tosses it into one of the elevator shafts. They looked around at the money, weapons, plasma shells and plasma jars along with stolen predator tech. They begin to put as much as they could into their bags.

Trent, Duncan, and Jorge walk into the lobby, straining under several duffel bags...

Richie: C'mon, there's a lot to carry...

Trent walks back into the lobby with two more duffel bags and he sets them down on an enormous pile.

Richie: If this guy was so smart he would
have had us bring a bigger car or something.

Trent: You got to be kidding me. What the fuck was he thinking?

Chandman: I bet he was waiting for his other friend to get here, we get in his car, well three of us and the other two drive the SUV away and find a new car to getaway.

A police car then crashed in through the wall and the window opens as Barricade looked out.

Barricade: Come on let's go.

Trent: Is that the radiant mask?

Chandman shakes his head no as he, Duncan, and Jorge put the bags in the truck the best way they could. Duncan and Jorge got in the back.

Bank manager: Think you're smart, huh? Well, the guy who hired you just got you killed, well come after you.

Chandman slowly shakes his head.

Bank manager: Sure he did and he will, maybe not today, or maybe not tomorrow but he will get y'all killed....y'all can't rub us without fear.

Chandman turns back to the Bank Manager and he crouches over him.

Bank manager: Do you have fear in us! Do you fear divine light! Do you fear their agen-

Chandman slides a charge into the man's mouth.

He then holds up a button.

Chandman: Well no why would I fear them? Trent and Richie. Go to the car outside.

Trent: Why did you say our first name!?

Chandman pulls his mask off and it was revealed to be.


The Bank Manager gasp in sight of him.

Chandler: I'm radiant mask so I wouldn't get myself or my boys killed, and I said your name because no one knows here is going to live. Now let's go.

The Bank Manager's eyes go wide. Chandler rises and walks to the police car and gets in the front as Trent and Richie ran out to the front.

(Hey everyone I hope you enjoyed this follow up to the first arc that will be following the villain side of things. If your wondering who Duncan and Jorge are, they are the goons chandler have that doesn't have names, the fat one is Jorge and the one with the shaved head is Duncan, now that it's taken care of please like, comment and share the book any way you can. It would mean a lot to me and it means a lot to me they y'all read this book, I really like to write things like this and I'm glad that I'm able to do this. I would've drawn chandler but it's late and I could draw him in the next chapter he'll be in.

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