Chapter 37: 10 boys, 1 girl and 1 annoyed agent

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During Luna mission

Open to the Director flagship in orbit of Armada 8, a system far away from Earth but have planets that contain human life

Luna was standing at attention behind the Directer on the bridge.

Director: At ease, Luna. You've performed well recently.

Luna: I can do better. Just give me another chance. I promise you won't have to call in At-

Director: We don't always get what we want out of life. However, in this instance, I am prepared to oblige your request.

Luna: Thank you, sir. Ready for mission briefing.

Director: You will lead a team of inexperienced soldiers in a game of-

Luna: A game...!? Are you kidding...?

Director: This isn't about the game. It's about those you'll be working with. In war, one is not always so fortunate as to choose their allies. It will also act as a field test for several pieces of prototype technology.

Luna: With all due respect, I doubt I'll ever be fighting a war alongside simulation soldiers are well idiots, sir.

Director: That is your final interruption! You will lead your team against another Agent's soldiers. The game, if you're curious, is my personal favorite: Capture the Flag.

Luna: Who's the other Agent?

The Director smirks and we cut to a pelican descending to the planets' surface.

Cooper: I'm counting on you, Luna(he said as he turns around looking at Luna who was standing nearby while he flies the ship)

Luna: That so?

Luna: Oh, hell yeah! There's good action on this fight. heh, Even good guy Lincoln put a bet down!

Luna: What's my over-under?

Cooper: Four to one.

Luna: Not too shabby.

Cooper: Ah. No, that's four to one against. No offense. That woman is a killing machine! Remember what she did to York, Wyoming, and Meta. Don't worry though, I got your back.

Luna: Thanks for the vote of confidence...

Cooper: What-can-I-say? Always a sucker for any blue defined team.

After dropping Luna off she walked into the base and of the oddest sights she saw, they looked like male versions, of her family....a Lori, Leni, Luna, Lola and what could he lily.

Luna:.......What the fuck? How...are...are y'all clones?

Loki: No, we're not cl-

Loni: No we're not clones. We're people.

Luke: That's not what she meant dumbass. But anyway, my name Luke, what's yours good looking.

Loki: Luke shut up.

Luna raised an eyebrow and she tried to not throw up from disgust since Luke is just a male version of her and after succeeding to not throw up she just shakes her head.

Luna: No, no, no, not a fucking chance. Besides I'm already taken.

Luke: Oh. Also, you look sorta familiar

Luna: Try looking in a mirror.

Loni: What does mirrors have to do with this? He doesn't need to cut his hair or change his clothes.

Luke: Besides we don't have a mirror because the prince over there took the only things close to one and won't let no one else use it. Always messing with his hair acting like he'll pull some women.

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