Chapter 36: Operation Lori revival

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3 and a half months have passed and there are still no signs of the Fallen nor the Apelpisía are planning to revive Michael, in fact, there were some signs of them popping up around the world and the agents had to deal with them, it wasn't anything hard, just footsoldiers so they were less durable than the ones that they fought in the city. In the pass fee month the weaker louds trained with the falls so they could be capable to take on any opponent, Ronnie Anne and Gwen were also in the group which included Lincoln, Lana, Lola, and Lynn.

Macy help tries to build Lynn confidence and find her one true metahuman ability while she also helped Alcatraz train Lincoln and get him to use his powers to be one of the most powerful and unstoppable metahumans there are, with the passing months he advances in many fields of combat due to the fighting styles Alcatraz and Macy knows, being the leader of the Auomotagis and an Alestotarchiká's he had a wide array of fighting styles, he knows 11 different fighting styles and he takes moves from them and change them, they are combat shooting, Gatka, boxing, Hapkido, pro wrestling, judo, taekwondo, Muay Thai, Silat, and Wing Chun.

He taught Lincoln how to shoot, he did get some things down but he still not the greatest at things, he is now around the level of a normal soldier when using weapons which is better than before. If they continue his training and get him to use the analyzing ability Lincoln has he would practically be made a gunslinger, Alcatraz also taught him some basics on fighting which is just some forms from boxing and during that Lincoln learned how to control his powers better than before, they also helped Gwen since she didn't seem that capable to them but she was and now she's just a lot stronger than before. Lola was able to effectively use her phase powers and how she could integrate that into her combat, Lana was just shown how to fight effectively when using her metal body bode since she's just like colossus in that form. Rochelle taught Ronnie Anne some fighting style instead of her relying mostly on her primal fighting style. She hasn't taught her much since she was focusing on getting Ronnie Anne out of her state of pain and having her change her xenomorph armor a bit.

Sid was able to get a better hold of her magic and if used right she could be considered the strongest human hero that have next to Snake, with his help she was given books to read about magic and the spells that can be used and the forbidden ones, he taught her about the history of magic and how it could be used, on the other side of things the villains have been doing their fair share of growing as well. Other Auomotagís have made it to Earth, they are either foot soldiers or atleast down high ranking members. New ones that were brought to Earth were the twins, Seth and Mark, and Jolt who have a tendency mischief-making.

More would be on the way while they are waiting for any action which with the fallen, but to be prepared Snake went to where Michael and his men were buried in the ocean and he used some spell to age up how long they were down there to one-half year, thinking that their body will be long gone or something.

Starlight got more control of the Apelpisía's and was their grand ruler, she has been telling many of them to head to Earth and most of them were killed, one of them, in particular, was named wreckage, he was killed once he arrived at earth and instead of going along with starlight plans he tried to find Michael, he was taken out by Luna, luan, Rochelle, and Macy and his body was brought to one of the military bases. The others went along with starlight plans of trying to find any remnants of the Kl Sharara since currently, none of them can stand up against Starlight, Violatious is loyal to her, Lucy is loyalty him so they can't use either of those two to try and overthrow Starlight, Iris and Taylor aren't even a match for her but luckily one of Michael favorite followers contacted Barricade, he had the perfect plan to try and find a shard and use it to bring back Michael, but first, the constructors and their pets will be heading to Earth along with some drones to give them more of an edge.

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