Chapter 28: What's next?

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After fighting with Michael and all of his goons the louds and falls were well, sorta relaxing. Alcatraz for the first two weeks was just depressed and he blamed himself for Lori's death. Usually, his siblings or the louds tried to cheer him up. Mostly Grey, Lincoln, Macy, and Luna tried the one who did it the most as well, the second oldest or now first oldest Luna. Once those two weeks were up he didn't feel like sitting around and doing nothing anymore, now he was gone, Luna couldn't find him anywhere and he left no trace of where he went. Luna walked into the kitchen and seeing Grey sitting at the table going through a phone he got.

Luna: Oh hey Grey, I see that you got a phone.

Grey: Yeah. During the battle in Detroit, I just took this from one of the stores brawl destroyed.

Luna: I see. Anyways where is Alcatraz? I didn't see him today.

Grey: Oh, he asked the director to give him a mission. The director said no because he's ordering us to take a vacation. Alcatraz instead went to find something to do. The director ordered two agents to stop him.

Luna: Sigh. Did they succeed?

Grey: What do you think? He broke one of their arms.

Luna: Well, that doesn't sound that bad

Grey: No. he broke it. Like it snapped in multiple places and broke into four pieces. Vertically and horizontally, he then broke his other arm so bad that the bone pierced through the skin and he stabbed the guy in his chest with it. As for the other one. He used that memory seeing beam to mess with his head.

Luna: And where is that guy?

Grey points to the corner where they see someone rocking back and forward, he had blonde hair and blue eyes along with buck teeth.

??????: Don't get in the way. Don't get in the way. Don't get in the way. Don't get in the way. Don't get in the way.

Luna:...And you didn't try to stop him?

Grey: No I didn't. I sat here and I act like I didn't see anything.

Luna: And you did this why?

Grey: Well, I'm not an idiot. He lost Lori and he blames himself for the death. Not only they but he blames himself for all the damages Michael and his men caused and he didn't really want Michael to die. Lincoln practically just killed him.

Luna just rubbed her head in frustration while Grey continued.

Grey: I mean they weren't really dating. He just knew that she loved her and then hours after they became(he does air quotes) "official" she gets killed.

Luna:......You sounded too calm during that.

Grey: Well if you believe me or not. I expected someone to die during this battle. After fighting with Michael men for years it's-

Luna: Whatever. You're coming with me to find him.

Grey: Why me? And why you?

Luna: Everyone else is busy, Macy is gone, and I don't trust the others.

Grey: How could you say you don't trust them but say they're busy.

Luna: Get up and shut up.

Grey just sighs and he gets up.

Grey: I hope they'll be fine.

Luna: Alcatraz will be fine.

Grey: I said they'll, not he's. I feel bad for whoever gets in his way.

French narrator: Meanwhile

Alcatraz: This new armor color scheme doesn't really blend in with stealth....but do I really need it. (He looked around at the dead bodies of resistance soldiers) I guess not. Let's just see what they are hiding here. H.V?

A silver ball forms over Alcatraz left shoulder and it exploded and now in its place was an A.I. It turns and looks at Alcatraz. The A.I in question was silver, he had short hair and he wore a normal shirt and long pants which were also silver like his whole body.

H.V: How may I be of assistance?

Alcatraz: I need you to scan the area for anything. Hidden entrances or whatever they were trying to transport. Also, if you could. See who the leader of this squad was and find any call louds and play the audio.

H.V nods and disappears. Then a screen appears in front of Alcatraz showing the leader idea and the leader name. Balrog.

Alcatraz: Okay. So I take it that Alex isn't the leader.

Squad leader: Sir. We got stolen alien armor from each place those bad ones attack. Everyone, they got shot a piece of their armor fell off. We also found a share of that Kl Sharara thing.

Alcatraz: Ah crap. I thought I took the only one.

-mini flashback-

Alcatraz looked at Michael's chest and the energy lava pool that was in his chest. He reached his hand slightly inside and he took out a share of the Kl Sharara and he just examined it before he put it away.

-mini flashback ends-

Balrog: Good. We can finally get a one up on the Director. We could use whatever power or knowledge is left in that thing to create our own artificial intelligence.

Squad leader: What about those xenomorph sir?

Balrog: I got a good plan for that. Meet me back at the base to learn about it.

Squad leader: Yes sir

Random soldier: Look! In the trees!

Alcatraz heard the sound of gunshots and he turns it off knowing that was when he attacked. When he turned around he was face to face with Luna. Or more like the slightly had to look down but still face to face.

Alcatraz: Shit! (he jumps back) don't just sneak up on me like that.

Luna: Whatever. What the hell do you think you're doing? The director said you can't do any of this and now here you are.

Alcatraz: Eh. He can't punish me for making things easier for him. When I tell him about what I learned he won't be mad.

Luna: That's not the point. Well, it's part of it but you've spent two weeks being depressed and barley doing anything with any of us. Now you going out to do missions that you know you can't do. Why did you start doing this anyway?

Alcatraz: I was bored and I had nothing else better to do. Now if you don't mind. I'm going to go continue my mission.

Luna just grabbed his shoulder.

Luna: Alcatraz. Just come back. Don't get in trouble and when our vacation is up.

Alcatraz sighs.

Alcatraz: Fine. But I'm going to give him what I found. This has to be important.

Luna: We will do that. Once he knows maybe our next missions will be based around what you founded and I'm sure only good things will come from that.

Alcatraz: Alright. Let's just go. Also, you don't get credit for this. I found it.

Luna rolled her eyes but stopped when she realized Grey wasn't around.

Luna....Where did Grey go?

Alcatraz just shrugs.

Luna: Whatever. Let's just go. He'll meet us back that the house. (She walks away and Alcatraz followed)

(Hey everyone. This chapter was short but I wanted this one to not have much action in it, like a small break, granted the other arc had that as well. Once this chapters and the next is over the next saga or well arc will start. I was thinking of where to take this new saga out, but now I got it all in order and I know what's going to happen and when. I will assure y'all that this new saga y'all will love and it might be a tear-jerker in some places.

Loud lights: Project Divine light(remastered)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat