Chapter 57: A hiderance with the investgation

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Lola dodged a strike from Salvo, she was the new villain that the two have found. Salvo shoots fireballs towards Lola who quickly deflects each of them with her lighting. When she looks back to Salvo she teleports and Lola jumps forward turning around to face where she believes Salvo was. But she was stabbed in the back by Salvo who pulled the sword out and kicked her to the ground.

She leaps onto her feet and whips around to face Salvo who creates a fire sword and went to stab her with that, Lola rolled out of the way and shot her in the stomach with a lighting blast which sent her into a wall.

Gaz lunges towards her going for a stab which Salvo dodged by rolling out of the way, she quickly gets to her feet and kicks the back of Gaz's leg bringing her down onto her knee and she did a spin kick which sent Gaz into the ground. Salvo then leans back avoiding a lighting blast from Lola and she blasts her with a fireball.

Lola: Dang it!(Lola grunted as she gets back up) You're beginning to get on my nerves.

Salvo: Well my mission is to delay y'all. So I suppose I'm doing it quite well if I'm getting on your nerves.

Lola: Who are you anyway? You clearly not Alex, or Logan, and from what I know Balrog doesn't have many agents that are on Alex and Logan level that are females.

Salvo: Well I'm guessing that I'm the first one, besides it was time for a change, but hey. What else can I say? Besides he needed me? And I needed him.

Lola: What could he possibly give you in return? What could be so worth it?

Salvo: Getting revenge for what your super soldier freaked a sister did to me, did to us. (She gets into a fight stance when she said us) and to get rid of each of you to make sure y'all don't spread any more death and destruction.

Lola: I don't know what you're talking about, but what I do know is that Luna would never hurt you, and we would never put other people in harm's way to deal with a threat.

Salvo: your previous battles say otherwise.

With that both dashed towards each other, Salvo quickly throws a sword to Lola while sliding a dagger secretly. Lola avoids the sword and turns to face it while the dagger slides and touched her feet. Salvo teleports to the dagger kicking Lola on the face which caused her to stumble. Salvo grabs the sword and went for a strike but she was blasted back by Lola who shocks a nearby metal pole and she swings it into Salvo's side sensing her into a wall.

Salvo throws her dagger to the ground and teleports in front of Lola swinging her sword towards her but she swings the pole in front of her which deflected the sword, Salvo picks her dagger up and went for a strike but Lola pulled the pole down to block it, Salvo kicks the pole away and aimed to cut Lola in half but she does a backflip kicking the sword into the sky, Salvo teleports to it grabbing the sword and throwing it behind Lola, she teleports and went for a stab, but using her lighting Lola, magnetize the pole again and pulled it towards her hitting Salvo across the face with it, she then kicked her in the face and hits her with the pole once more.

Lola gets up and magnetizes another pole, holding them away from her in an electric aura, like she was using the force to hold them. She swings them towards Salvo who dodged the poles trying to get towards Lola. She slammed the pole against her back and her face, Salvo does a backflip and she grabs her sword deflecting one pole and she turns and deflects the other pole before jumping over the other one, she then grabs the other pole coming towards her with authority and she throws it towards Lola knocking her to the ground. Gaz tackled Salvo into the ground, Salvo kicks Gaz across the face and she headbutts her, Gaz gets up and slammed Salvo into the ground. Salvo rolls out of the way of Gaz's stomp, she grabs her sword and went to cut off Gaz's arm but she made a blade and deflects the blade and she pushed her back kicking her in the stomach.

Salvo stepped back and she turns to avoid a kick from Lola, she went to stab her but she was right hook by Gaz, Salvo turns around and went to stab her, she dodged and she punches her in the face, Salvo throws her sword towards the sky, she teleports to it and Gaz went to blast her but Salvo deflected the blast towards her and she lands behind Lola cutting her left arm off and she drops kicks her to the wall.

Salvo dashed toward Lola, but she looks up at her and her eyes glow with electricity, her cut off arm was blue inside, there were no traces of blood, bones, or muscles, lighting comes from the wound and touched the severed part of her body, the arm was pulled back and connected to her,

Salvo: What the f-(Lola wraps Salvo up in an electric whip and she pulled her towards him uppercutting her hard. Lighting arch throughout Salvo body and she shouts in pain as she was sent through the ceiling, Lola sighs to herself, but she heard the sound of trucks and jets leaving the area below them)

Lola: Dang it! We missed them!

Gaz: Isn't there a plan B to catch them?

Lola: No, there's no way that we can even try to catch up to them, let alone stop them.

Gaz: Well, call for an Osprey pick up. Maybe we could get another mission to get answers, but who was that? How did she know Luna?

Lola: I dunno, we would have to ask her when we get back.

French Narrator: Meanwhile

Ronnie Anne does a backflip avoiding a punch from Xenosis, she jabs him in the stomach and side, he went for another swing but she quickly dodged and stabs him in the back with her tail, he roars in pain and he turns grabbing her neck, he lifted her up and throws her onto the ground.

Ronnie Anne coughs up green blood which quickly ate away at the floor, she was then kicked in the stomach and through a wall by Xenosis. While she lied there rolling slightly in pain, Xenosis grabs another gun from the ground, from the looks of it the gun was a minigun, her eyes widen and she quickly scrambled to her feet and runs out of the way,  Xenosis followed after her trying to shoot Ronnie Anne. 

Ronnie Anne made an acid shield and she quickly rushed towards Xenosis as he shoots at her, the bullets all melted as she rushed towards him, she shoved the shield into it melting the barrel, she then makes two acid swords and stabbed him in the stomach with it, he went to punch her but she leaps over him, he kicked her into a wall, as she slides down Xenosis rushed towards her and shoulder charged her through the walls, as she hits another wall Xenosis slides to a stop and he grabbed Xenosis tail and he slammed her into the ground, she makes another acid sword and stabbed him in the neck.

He roars in pain and Ronnie Anne quickly gets up and rushed away from him, Xenosis runs after her, she needs to find another way to take him on. She can't fight him head-on, she would need another way to take him on.....or she would need another place to fight him.

She jumps into a vent and Xenosis ran up to the vent and he roars.

Xenosis: ANNNNEEE!

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