Chapter 55: Red light virus

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The resistance, a threat to the divine light branch of the A.M.S.C and the A.M.S.C as a whole. During the start of humanity spreading among the starts, different colonies were treated differently by the A.M.S.C and rebel groups formed, many of them did, and while Earth was left in the dark about anything beyond the solar system top-ranking government officials and newly formed originations knew of this threat.

As the rebels grew the A.M.S.C needed a way to stop them before it was too late, they begin to experiment with ways of creating super soldiers, the first batch failed. Then some aliens were brought in to help with this, finally, the first wave of them was made. They did wonders with crushing each group but in the shadows, a bigger group formed, one that united the fighting factions of rebels and took in the ones without a leader or their organization. Their leader was Balrog, a scientific genius who helped the A.M.S.C deal with the rebels. Playing both sides, getting A.M.S.C soldiers to abandon what they believe in to support him, gathering friends, battalions, and more. While having rebel factions create diversions to have him achieve his ultimate goal.

Around the time Divine light was created an alien empire began its attack. Three colony worlds went off the grid and no one was able to get back in contact. After a while it was shown to be an alien invasion and after all peace talks failed there was no other option but to win a war or get exterminated. Divine light was working on ways to make new super soldiers agents. Balrog thought of kidnapping kids. Age 4 to 17. The first batch was a success and each had the conduct ability, but after more years of research he vanished and that's when he relieved his resistance army.

Divine light needed new agents to use since Balrog had used his research to make his own, a few candidates were selected to get injected with powers that could be swapped out or evolved. While Balrog found the ultimate power to have and used it on a boy named Lincoln Loud. Divine light figured out how to make a virus, that in theory could be unstoppable. It first began life as a red light which was a failure, the candidate became insane and used her virus to infect a ship fool of soldiers, making them like infected zombies, like the dead, but taken over. She was able to create new creatures with the virus but she was quickly put down. Finally using the red light virus and some other serums the blacklight virus was created.

It was used on Luna loud and the abilities were extraordinary, the ability to take people DNA and shapeshift into them, gaining everything, even their force, making weapons out of her arm with metal blades that seemingly was made inside her, run faster than a car, super hearing, super jump, heal from being in ripped apart, regrow limbs and much more.

However, what will the Blacklight virus do if it's mixed with the red light virus and injected into another person? We'll let's find out

We open in on a resistance base

An explosion rocks through the base as the soldiers ran towards new positions to stop the advance of the divine light agents. Most got onto machine guns while others grabbed high caliber weapons and aimed. It wasn't long before the door blows open and the agents rushed in. Lincoln blast a few of them with his cinder blast while Ronnie Anne creates acid daggers and throws them into the throats of the resistance soldiers

Lola used her electricity to make five soldiers stick to a wall behind them, bullets flew toward her only for them to burn up and fall down as a bubble was briefly seen around Lola anytime a bullet got too close. This was a force field with electricity. Nothing could get through it. Lynn and Macy almost managed to get through. Patrick was the closest and Alcatraz could pierce it. Granted Macy or he didn't cover their hand in energy, it's unknown if nothing can get through or energy could.

The remaining soldiers run through an opening door before Lincoln could follow after he was blown back. He gets to his feet and sees a slick robot figure walking towards him, two cannons on its wrist and two laying on its shoulder. It aims an arm cannon at him and as it opens fire he turns to smoke as the blast hits the ground where he once sat breaking it. The robot scans the areas for where Lincoln will come from and it quickly aims and blasts him which forces him to form and it sends him into Ronnie Anne.

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