Christmas morning II

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" From you?" You cocked your head to the side as you stared at the present and then back at Sirius. " Unbelievable. Who knew the Sirius Black was capable of such kindness and generosity?" You smirked. 

" Uh... Everyone knows?" He grumbled, crossing his arms. " I knew you were going to say something snarky, (y/n). It was unavoidable."

" Ah yes, you know me too well. It's in my nature to have amazing comments and comebacks." You shrugged with a chuckle. " But I must admit, a part of me knows how much of a good person you are. A very, very small part of me."

" How rude." Sirius shook his head. " Well go on, open it."

" Right." You cleared your throat. " So... Do I just rip the paper to see what's inside?.."

" Well yes. That's the point of a present." James mocked.

You scowled at him and rolled your eyes. " How informative. I was just making sure I had the right idea. Thank you, James." You huffed sarcastically.  You gulped slightly, for some reason, you felt nervous. Part of that was because you had your doubts the present could just be a prank Sirius had gotten from Zonko's Joke Shop.

You carefully took the edge of the wrapping paper and began ripping it, trying to make it as silent as possible. " (Y/n), you know you don't have to be careful with the wrapping paper, right?" Sirius chuckled. 

" No. I did not know." You sighed. " Anyways, I'd rather not make a huge mess with the paper."

You had successfully cut an almost straight line on the top of the wrapping paper, and took in a deep breath before taking out the present. My first Christmas present... You gulped. " Sirius. I'm just warning you that if it's a Dungbomb or anything of that sort-"

" It's not a prank, I promise. I don't have enough guts to prank you on Christmas." He interrupted with a nervous chuckle.

" Funny. I thought you were a Gryffindor and a Marauder. Isn't that what you do? Bravely play pranks?" You snickered.

" Bravely yes, not stupidly." Sirius corrected. " I have a feeling I would never see the light of day again if I pranked you with a Dungbomb."

" Correct." You grinned, pointing your nose upwards. " And for the record, most your pranks are thought out recklessly and stupidly, so what would it change?" You added before focusing on the present again. Here it goes...

You slid your hand inside the opening of the wrapping paper, and to your relief: it wasn't a Dungbomb. On the very contrary, in fact. The present Sirius had given you felt like clothing, which you had assumed at first before doubting it was a prank. 

" What's this?" You asked yourself out loud as you slipped the clothing out of the bag. " I'm certain it feels like leath-"

A leather jacket. Sirius had given you a leather jacket. It was very similar to his, which he always wore instead of the Hogwarts robes. This one had pins and sowed- in fabrics with names and logos you didn't recognize. 

" Sirius Black, you've outdone yourself." You smiled after some time of silence. 

" Tch. Not at all." He shrugged. " It's just my usual 'kindness and generosity', as you said earlier... But, do you like it?"

" Yes, I do!" You exclaimed facing him. " It's very pretty! Similar to yours, as well."

" Of course. Now we can match outfits at Hogwarts." Sirius snickered proudly.

" Hate to shatter your dreams, but unlike you, I'm not breaking the dress code." You shook your head. " Plus our ties are different colors."

" Boooooring." He chanted. " But, I'm glad you like it."

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