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"My sabbatical?" You repeated, slightly knitting your eyebrows as you set your cup on the tea table. Did they... put veritaserum in my tea?! You panicked internally. Father and mother couldn't have bothered to do that... Why would they? Though they never ask me anything of this sort... 

"We do not have all day, (y/n)," your father said, "answer your mother."

"Right." You cleared your throat. "It was... enjoyable. The weather wasn't too cold."

Okay... I think I can rest assured that there isn't anything suspicious about my tea... Veritaserum doesn't smell like anything, but I'm sure they didn't put any in my beverage, you sighed in relief. Forcefully telling your parents about going to a Muggle town on a date with Sirius Black, and kissing him, was not something you really wanted to go through.

"Remind me where you went again?" she asked.

What the hell is going on?! WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?! Your mind buzzed in all different directions at this sudden attention from your parents, which didn't seem to have any ulterior motives. "I stayed at the Potter's. They have a son in my year," you answered, being careful with what to answer in case there was actual ulterior motives to your mother's questions. 

"The Potter's? Alister, didn't they make a fortune out of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion?" Your mother addressed your father, who nodded at her words.

"Yes, quadrupeling their family fortune," he added after sipping on his tea once more. "You have an advantageous acquaintance, (y/n). A word of advice to you: keep those ties for the future. They may be of use to you."

You took your cup and held it in front of your face for an instant, furrowing your eyebrows in that moment. As if I'd take advantage of my friends for something as irrelevant as business connections, you wanted to roll your eyes. "Yes father, I was planning on keeping my relation with him either way," you said instead. 

"Good." Your father nodded, and silence settled again.

Merlin, this is awkward and uncomfortable, you sighed to yourself, rubbing small circles on the palm of your hand descretely. This has to be one of the longest conversations I've had with my parents in some time...

"(Y/n)," your mother spoke up once again as she stood up, "walk with me to the greenhouse."

You nodded quietly and set your empty tea cup on the table, standing up as well. This is the weirdest day at the estate in my life. Something's going on. This is not normal. At all. Mother rarely invites me to walk with her.

"If you'll excuse us, Alister," she told your father, who swayed his hand in the direction of the door of the tea room, which Claude the butler had opened for you and your mother.

The short walk to the greenhouse of the estate was without a doubt: silent. Your mind was restless with millions of thoughts popping up about the whole situation, which you didn't understand. Was there something I missed about why they're being oddly talkative with me? you gulped slightly as the doors of the indoor garden came into view.

"Is anything the matter, mother?" you asked as the two of you walked amongst the plants. 

If she almost never asked you to walk with her in general, going with your mother to the gardens had never happened. She enjoyed being alone in the gardens, not even a butler would accompany her to the doors.

"No," she replied bluntly. "How are your break studies going?"

"They're doing well," you answered, "I've been focusing on potions this year more than anything."

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