Chocolate frog

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You didn't want to go to the Great Hall for dinner, knowing the Marauders would probably be there, and Regulus would be there too, but you went anyways. You didn't want Sirius to feel bad for what could've happened, and Regulus to be suspicious about your Hogsmeade trip, so you gathered your courage and walked quickly towards the Slytherin table.

" Reggie." You sighed, sitting down across from him with your back towards the Gryffindor table. 

" (Y/n). How was Hogsmeade?" He asked, looking up from his plate. 

" It was... good." You gulped, hoping it hadn't been too visible. 

" Wait- Is that my jumper?" Regulus cocked an eyebrow. " What? No. It's my jumper." You replied sarcastically with a smirk. " I've had it for quite some time actually, so now it's mine."

" Whatever." He sighed and humorously rolled his eyes. " Keep it, it looks better on you either way."

" I intended to anyways. Oh, I- I got you something from Honeydukes." You took the chocolate frog from your pocket, feeling extremely guilty, but if you hadn't given it to him, Regulus would have reminded you that you'd said you would bring him something from the sweets shop. 

" Thank you." He smiled, taking the small box and putting it in his pocket. 

" You're not eating it?" You questioned a little nervous. You didn't want to risk Regulus having the chocolate frog accidentally in front of Sirius, that would be rude, almost cruel of you. 

" Not now. I've barely finished my dinner." Regulus chuckled. " About that, you're late to dinner again, (y/n). What takes you so long?"

" I just lost track of time, not a big deal." You brushed off. " But c'mon Reggie. Just eat it, I want to see what card you got."

" Why? Do you collect them or something?" He laughed. 

" No I don't. I don't have the time to collect chocolate frog cards. I'm simply curious." You rolled your eyes. " Alright, alright. I'll eat it." Regulus finally said, catching the chocolate frog just in time before in jumped away.

You looked behind you, skimming the Gryffindor table just in case one of the Marauder's gaze was set on you and Regulus, but they weren't even there. Odd. You shrugged. " What are you doing?" Regulus asked. 

" Stretching my neck." You replied a little too quickly, yet casually. " So... Who's on your card?" You cleared your throat. 

" Salazar Slytherin. Yet you missed his image." He replied, handing you the card. " Oh. How unfortunate I didn't get to see the face of our deceased house founder." You chuckled sarcastically. 

" Right." Regulus shrugged. " Are you not going to eat dinner?"

You looked down at your empty plate. You had completely forgotten you hadn't eaten a thing, and now that Regulus had mentioned it, you were hungry. " Of course I am. You know I'm always hungry." You replied, filling your plate with the delicious looking food on the table. 

" It'll give us time to talk. I feel like we haven't had a decent conversation in a while. One that wasn't rushed." He side smiled. 

" Who are you and what have you done to Regulus Black: my cold friend?" You joked. 

Regulus rolled his eyes. " Very funny. When you're done with your comedy, we can maybe have a normal talk."

" Oh c'mon, Reggie. Loosen up a little bit." You sighed. " You really have to upgrade your sense of humor." 

" Not humor. What you used was sarcasm." He corrected, pointing his finger upwards. 

" I- You actually got me there." You admitted, shaking your head. " Well played." 

Regulus smirked with an air of superiority. " We never got to talk about your cousin's engagement party." You cleared your throat, changing the subject. " What is there to talk about? Narcissa's getting married, and a party will be thrown in their honor. End of story." He shrugged. 

" You don't sound too excited that she's getting married. Narcissa's your cousin after all, shouldn't you be, I don't know, a little more joyful about it?" You cocked one of your eyebrows. 

" I suppose I could. But I really don't feel like it." Regulus said bluntly with a devilish grin. " What are you going to wear?"

" Reggie, I've received the news this morning, an outfit is the least of my concerns. Plus, not like I'll be getting much choice on that, my parents will probably be the ones to decide what is adequate for an (l/n) to wear." You huffed, rolling your eyes. " Bloody dresses." You mumbled. 

" I've never seen you wear a dress now that I think of it." He commented. 

" Well, you shouldn't get used to it either. I prefer to use them only when absolutely necessary." You replied, taking a bite of your dinner. " But since you're asking, I'm guessing you, on the other hand, already have an outfit in mind?" 

Regulus chuckled. " You can say that. I'm envisioning a black dress robe, yet not too long. Like a black tie." He explained. 

" What a great fashion designer you could be in the future." You joked. " Your outfit vision seems plain yet elegant, leaving the spotlight to the fiancés. I like it." 

" What a great fashion critique you could be in the future." Regulus quoted you.

" Of course I would." You smirked. " I'm almost forgetting to ask you: how was the chocolate frog? I mean, it tastes like chocolate of course. But still."

Regulus' eyes slightly widened and he looked desperately around his plate. " Regulus, did it-" You mumbled, not even finishing your sentence. 

" I- Yes. It got away. Sneaky little treat." He sighed. 

" Bummer. At least you've still got Salazar's card." You laughed. " Definitely. I've been thinking about becoming a full time collector." He replied sarcastically. " Damn. I was actually looking forward to eating it. I needed something sweet today."

" Why, what happened?" You asked. 

" Quidditch practice happened. One of the chasers got injured, fell of his broom trying to avoid a Bludger. I'm not sure he's going to be better for spring season." Regulus grumbled. " It will really take him all of holiday break to get back?" You raised an eyebrow.

" Physically, no. But it was a big fall. I don't think he'll want to climb on a broom anytime soon." Regulus shrugged. " The team is trying to push in a fast try out before the holidays."

" Must be stressful." You side smiled in empathy. 

" You have no clue." He pinched the bridge of his nose. You felt bad for your best friend, and you felt you had to do something to brighten up his mood, or at least take his mind off of things for some time. " I'll tell you what. Go to the common room, sit nicely in front of the fire place, and I'll bring you a hot cocoa. How does that sound?" You grinned, standing up. 

" Hot cocoa? What do you think I am? A child?" Regulus commented, standing up too. 

" You wanted something sweet. Now stop complaining." You insisted as the two of you walked in the direction of the dungeons. " And how exactly are you going to get hot cocoa?" He asked. 

" I have my ways." You playfully winked, pushing Regulus' back so he would walk faster. " Now, go get comfortable in the common room with a book or something. I'll be back in no time." You instructed jogging away. 

There would surely be the warm beverage in the kitchen, but you needed access to it and a way of convincing the house elves, but you had a plan. You began walking in direction of the library, knowing you'd probably find who you were looking for there. 

" I need access to the kitchens don't I?" You told yourself. " And who's better at that than a Hufflepuff?" 

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