Past curfew

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You had walked around school for quite some time, and not only was it getting colder, but curfew was nearing as well, and Dafne was nowhere to be seen. Surrendering the chase, you sat down on a stone windowsill and leaned on a column surrounding it. 

It was supposed to be a good, stress free evening with hot cocoa in front of the common room fire. So much for that. You huffed mentally. I shouldn't have let Dafne in the common room, I knew something would happen! Just why am I so careless sometimes?!

" What a fight." You sighed, cupping your face in your hands. " And what an idiot he is!" 

" Who's an idiot?" A female voice echoed behind you. 

Not realizing anyone was there, you had been startled and jumped a little bit out of surprise. You turned around to see who it was, your eyes meeting bright emerald ones. " Lily Evans?" You said her name, surprised she was out this late in the cold. 

" (Y/n) (l/n)? Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She smiled sheepishly. 

" I didn't get scared. You just dragged me out of my thoughts." You cleared your throat, straightening the green sweater you had on. 

" Thinking out loud then? It wasn't my intention to eavesdrop." Evans said as she placed a strand of her flaming red hair behind her ear, sitting on the opposite side of the windowsill. " What are you doing?" You asked almost arrogantly, even if you didn't mean to. 

" Sorry I guess. I thought you might want to talk." She huffed, standing back up. She began walking away in the direction she was originally heading, obviously a little annoyed. 

" No wait!" You exclaimed. Lily stopped in her tracks and turned around. " I apologize. That sounded rude."

" Not to worry. I can see something's bothering you." She said, walking back towards you. 

" It's nothing, really." You lied. " What are you doing here at this time of the night?" You changed the subject. 

" I could ask you the same. It's almost curfew, and you won't make it in time to the Slytherin common room." Lily raised one of her eyebrows doubtfully. " I am a prefect on patrol duty, looking for students out of their dorms, and I guess I've found you. But I'm surprised, I didn't think the (y/n) (l/n) would go out after curfew, or break any rules in general."

" I'm not sneaking out, Evans." You rolled your eyes. " Everyone knows I wouldn't do that, really."

" Right. Then why are you here? If my guesses are correct, it's already past 10 p.m. So, what's the reason you're out right after curfew?"

" My common room is filled with idiots, that's why." You answered bluntly. " I needed some fresh air, that's all."

" Really? I heard you say something about a fight, is everything alright there? Was there a bout?" Lily asked. She genuinely looked concerned. " I mean- I know we've never really talked, but if you want to share what happened, you can tell me."

" You'd honestly offer your time for a classmate of another house? You should've been sorted into Hufflepuff, Evans." You smirked. " But it's honestly nothing I want to talk about now. It was only a tough disagreement with a friend." 

" I see." She hummed. " (Y/n) can I... ask you something? It's a little personal, so I'd appreciate if you kept it for yourself."

" Personal? I guess... Go ahead." You nodded. 

" Is... Severus doing alright? We haven't talked in months, and I still worry about him." Lily asked nervously, you could tell talking about it made her sad.

 " Snape? Didn't he call you a... but he said horrible things about you. Why do you still care?" You questioned back. How could Lily possibly still want anything to do with him after he'd called her a Mudblood in front of many people?

" I know... But he's my childhood friend. Sev made a grave mistake, and I can't forgive him for that, but I still care." She sighed. 

" I guess he's doing fine. I don't talk to Severus much." You responded emotionlessly. Lily nodded but remained silent. You did too, not really knowing what to say after that. " Regulus called one of my friends a Mudblood too." You admitted, breaking the ice. 

Lily was obviously surprised you had opened up, but she hid it well. She made her way to the opposite side of the windowsill and sat down across from you, ready to listen. " That's actually why I'm here. I came looking for her, and tried to get away from him." You sighed. 

" Oh?" She said under her breath. 

" It's really that hard to believe, isn't it?" You chuckled, but it wasn't humorous. " That I wouldn't be agreeing with Regulus on blood purity."

" N- no! That's not what I meant. I just-" Lily stuttered defensively. " No need to convince me otherwise, Evans. I know that for an (l/n), it's unexpected. With my parents being all about status and purity all the time, everyone has expected me to be the same. I must admit I have put on a good act to live up to that." You forced a side smile.

" I'm glad you decided to share the truth with me, (y/n)." She smiled. " And thank you for telling me about Sev. It means a lot. I don't know who to talk about him with, none of my friends understand, they all don't like him."

" No, thank you for insisting to talk to me, Evans. It feels good to get that off my shoulders." You replied. " I'm glad I was of any help to you."

" Listen, I hate to have to do this, but you are out after curfew..." Lily cleared her throat. " And as a prefect, I kind of have to put you detention for this. I promise I don't want to, but you know- school rules and everything."

" Detention?" You held your breath. " No- I can't get detention. It's not because I don't want to, but- my parents."

You could visibly see the discomfort in Lily's face. She really didn't want to give you detention after the conversation you and her had shared, but she was right, as a prefect, Lily had to. " Listen Evans. I know it's your job as a prefect, but you don't understand, I can't. If my parents receive in my report that I got detention, I'm a dead girl walking. Please, I know it's much to ask, but isn't there something else I could do?"

" Is it really that bad? With purebloods like your parents?" She asked nervously. 

You nodded. " You have no idea. Just- don't talk about it to anyone. It can get you in trouble. So? Is there anything I can do to compensate?"

" I mean... I suppose cleaning the potion's classroom this upcoming weekend could do..." Lily hummed. " It can always pass as an act of generosity, offering you help."

" Really, it can?" You asked hopefully. 

" I guess I can make it work. You would be with those who have detention though, but just tell professor Slughorn you're there for a good deed." She shrugged. 

" Thank you Evans!" You sighed, reassured. " You just saved my life. I wouldn't have survived the holidays otherwise."

" I'm glad to help. Here, I'll walk you back to the Slytherin dungeons so you wont come across any more prefects." Lily offered. 

You and the red haired girl walked alongside the corridors, watchful not to run into any more prefects as Lily had indicated. And after a couple minutes only, you'd made it back to the dungeons. 

" Thank you again, Lily. You're a really good person." You smiled. 

" My pleasure. It was nice to get to know you a little bit. You're not like I'd expected, if I'm being honest. First off, now that I think about it, I would've assumed you would be a prefect, actually."

" I thought about it, but being a prefect isn't really my thing." You shrugged. " Now, I best be off before it gets really late."

" Take care, (y/n) (l/n)."

" And you too, Lily Evans."

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