Astronomy tower

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The full moon was shining brightly that night, illuminating the astronomy tower dimly but well enough to see clearly. The visibility wasn't beneficial in this case though, because a part of your mind would constantly worry that someone would come up there to find you as the crying mess you currently were. 

You never were much of a crier. Almost seventeen years of being an (l/n) had taught you to cry silent and nonexistent external tears, but tonight, you couldn't hold back. It wasn't even crying, oh no... it was full out sobbing to the point where you felt your eyeballs would slip out of their sockets. 

You'd held your tears in from the dungeons all the way to the astronomy tower, so bawling intensively was required at this point. You let it all out. You cried, yelled as quietly as you could while still venting off the turmoil building up inside you. 

This almost feels like a déjà vu, you sniffed, burying your face into the sleeves of your cloak. Me in the astronomy tower on a full moon, feeling like absolute crap. Except right now, I think being pursued by a werewolf would be one hundred times better than this.

The thought of Regulus crying played on a constant loop in your head. Just like you: Regulus didn't cry much, and there was a time you thought he never cried at all. He'd done it tonight though. He'd been so vulnerable to the point he let his emotions be seen, even if by you, and that was a lot.

"It's cold and sad and heavy here," you sighed as you wiped your cheeks and took deep breaths to stop the flow of tears. "But I don't want to go back... I'm scared. No wonder I wasn't sorted into Gryffindor... Gosh, I'm such a coward."

"A coward?" Someone called out from the stairs leading towards the astronomy tower. "Hell, you're no coward, love. What you did was brave... so brave."

"Sirius..?" you whispered, holding your breath for a few seconds so you wouldn't start sobbing uncontrollably again. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to comfort you, of course!" he said as he sat down next to you and opened his arm. "You look like you need a hug."

You nodded and let yourself fall to the side, leaning your cheek on Sirius' chest. He wrapped his arms around you and put his chin on top of your head, stroking your back with one of his hands. It did feel comforting, but it made you even more of an emotional mess, luckily you were able to cry more silently onto Sirius' shirt. 

"Sorry," you wept. "I don't want you to see me like this. I- I can't stop crying no matter how much I try... sorry."

"Sorry?" he repeated. "You're apologizing for crying? (Y/n), there's nothing to apologize for. Let it all out if that's what you need. Don't mind me, I'm here for you."

"I appreciate that, Sirius. I don't understand though... It's the night of the full moon," you sniffled. "Aren't you supposed to be in the shrieking shack right now?"

"Originally, yes," he nodded. "But I couldn't leave you alone. When you gave me that look in the Great Hall, I knew you were going to tell him, and I had to be there for you, even if tonight's a full moon, they understand. So, I'm staying here with you."

"That's... considerate of them," you said. "Thank you for being here."

"I'm glad I am," Sirius smiled at you reassuringly. "How do you feel? It might not be the best question to ask... of course you're not doing well... but how do you feel?"

"I don't know. Obviously, I'm not doing well at all, but I can't place it into words," you shrugged and shut your eyes for a second. "...There's this awful throbbing and heavy pain in my chest, like a terribly strong inner pressure. I think it's a symptom of heartbreak..? I'm going through a bloody heartbreak."

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