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You stood in the guest room of James' house, staring at the open suitcase on your bed, where all your clothes were neatly stacked inside, and the leather jacket you had received on Christmas was on top. It wasn't that early in the morning, but you felt exhausted. Sirius was right: everyone was sleep deprived the day after Christmas. Plus, you felt sick, and you hadn't stopped sneezing for a good thirty minutes.

You sighed and closed the suitcase with a flick of your wand, and headed towards the window to look at your reflection and fix the fancy blouse you were wearing to head back to the (l/n) estate, because of course: you had to dress accordingly. 

Best three days of my life. You hummed, watching as little snowflakes fell on the other side of the window. " How odd that they were spent with Hogwarts' biggest troublemakers. I never would've thought." You smirked to yourself. 

" Boys, (y/n)! Breakfast is ready!" Euphemia called out from downstairs.

You walked towards the door of the guest room as two pairs of steps ran down the hall, coming to a stop in front of your door. James had his glasses placed carelessly on the bridge of his nose, with his bed hair covering part of his eyes, while Sirius wore his hair in a half up ponytail, which looked almost flawless even if it was just to keep his hair out of his face.

" Good morning." You hummed at the two boys. " You two look terrible. Did you get any sleep last night?"

" Terrible?!" Sirius repeated. " I do not look terrible. James does."

" Oi, sod off." James grumbled, swatting Sirius' shoulder. " Not everyone has perfect hair like you in the morning, Pads."

" I was kidding, Prongs." He smirked. " You look stunning, mate."

" Of course I do." James smirked, flipping his hair over his ear.

You silently watched them goof off with an irk expression on your face. " Hey, idiots." You called out, and the two of them turned their heads to look at you at the same time. " Move out the way. I'm hungry."

" Someone's not in a good mood this morning." Sirius whistled as he and James walked next to you down the hall. 

" There are a couple reasons to why that is." You sneezed. " I'll let you figure them out."

" (Y/n)... Your sneezes are adorable." He chuckled, throwing his arm over your shoulder and leaning part of his weight on it.

" It's not adorable." You mumbled. " And it's your fault for getting me sick, Mr. Mistletoe." 

" Mr. Mistletoe?" James repeated, giving Sirius a doubtful look. " Did I miss something here?"

" Actually, you didn't." You shrugged. " Sirius and I had a sort of unofficial and short snow fight."

" I'd also like to state that I won." Sirius added. 

" How?!" You cocked your eyebrows.

" Because I threw a larger amount of snow at you." He explained as he went down the stairs first, followed by James and then you.

" Nonsense. The tree had the snow, you just kicked it. Give the tree the credit it deserves." You rolled your eyes. " Plus, you slipped and fell into a pile of snow, so if that had been an actual snow fight, you'd had lost."

" What the hell are the two of you even saying?!" James interrupted, scratching his head. " You do know half of what the both of you said made no sense."

" Made sense to us." Sirius shrugged, and you nodded silently.

" Thank Godric we're going back to Hogwarts in a little more that a week." James yawned. " I need to talk to people who I can actually understand."

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