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It was early after noon, meaning potion's class would be soon to arrive. How jolly, you rolled your eyes as you gathered your books from the library, checking out a couple about potions and animagi. If you were going to do this project as you had told Sirius, you'd need the research. 

The words Remus had told you yesterday at dinner time stuck in your mind for the whole night. You couldn't shake it away. Sirius Black, actually wanting to work on anything school related when I offered to do all of it? I don't believe that for a second. You huffed as you walked down the halls alone towards the castle dungeons. 

Regulus was nowhere to be found, to much of your dismay, but not like you would be spending much time with him in the class to come, or anytime of the day. You had different break schedules, so you really only got to see each other at breakfast and dinner, and in the common room of course. 

As you stepped in the potion's classroom, it was almost empty. Am I really that early? You told yourself and shrugged walking to your new seat which would have Sirius next to you. Severus was in the room, writing in a notebook he always brought to this class, and a couple Gryffindors and Ravenclaws you had heard the names of but didn't really know well to remember.

You were surprised Lily Evans wasn't in the classroom, she usually was always early and ready to start the class before everyone had even taken their seats. But then you remembered the dispute between James and Severus not too long ago, which had led Snape to call Evans a ' mudblood'. 

You really found that word to be a disgusting insult. No one deserved being called something so harsh. It had surprised you, since you knew Severus cared fondly for Lily, even if he didn't like to admit it, it was very obvious. 

" Snape." You exclaimed, making your way in front of his desk.

He abruptly closed the notebook and stored it away inside a bag he had besides him, making you raise an eyebrow in suspicion. " Chill. I'm not interested in your little secrets." You chuckled, but the raven haired boy rolled his eyes. 

" Can I help you, (l/n)?" He asked in a cold tone. You knew he didn't mean it, it was just his way of hiding his pain, so you wouldn't comment about his behavior like you would've done in another case. 

" Just wanted to know how you were doing." You smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder but he brushed it off, a frown on his face. " Everything's fine. Thanks, I guess?" Severus replied, changing his tone of voice to a nicer one, after all, he knew  you meant good and not to laugh at him. 

" Of course. Know I'm here if you ever want to talk. Or anything." You said, making your way back to your seat as class would be starting soon.

It was very unlike you to offer to speak to someone. You were very reserved, and almost always talked to Regulus only. Not like much people wanted to talk to you either. As the only heir to the (l/n) family, people knew your name, and especially your parents. Everyone just assumed you were like them, so no one bothered to try and know you, at least no one you had noticed.

Professor Slughorn appeared out of nowhere. Literally. He just appeared at the front of the class, you hadn't noticed if he had been there all along, but he did cause you to jump in your seat as he clapped his hands together loudly, catching the attention of the other students that had arrived in the classroom while you were distracted. 

" Good evening! Good evening. Settle down please." He exclaimed with a large smile, and the class did as Slughorn said.

You noticed it was awfully quiet. A little too quiet. You skimmed the room, not paying attention to what Slughorn was saying, since it was the typical lesson review for those who didn't understand potions as well as others. 

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