A secret revealed

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Winter break was going by smoothly, and you were having the time of your life. You didn't think anything could compare to the three days of the holidays you had spent at James' house for winter of 1976, but this was catching up to it quickly.

Ever since your date with Sirius on the first Hogsmeade trip of the holidays, he had been awfully more clingy and present in your everyday life, not to mention way bolder. It was out of sheer luck that you had been able to shake him off for the few hours that you needed, and it had to be on this night with no exception.

You constantly looked over your shoulder as you walked down Gargoyle Corridor, making sure no one was following you. It's not like I'm doing anything illegal... but I still kept this from him and the rest, you sighed, stopping in front of a statue of a sapient Gargoyle.

"Acid pops," you uttered the password given to you, holding your head high in front of the gargoyle, which after hearing those words, stepped aside to reveal a circular moving staircase.

Taking a last glance at the hallway, you stepped into the narrow space usually concealed by the Gargoyle and waited nervously as the moving staircase led you to the oaken double door of the headmaster's office.

Before you had the chance to knock, the doors had opened on their own, revealing the large circular room with many windows and sleeping portraits of who you recognized as the former headmasters and headmistresses of Hogwarts.

The room was filled from top to bottom with books and odd silver instruments emitting smoke on various tables. A fiery red Phoenix that seemed to be in the spring of its life was perched near an enormous claw-footed desk, and behind it, was a shelf where the shabby Sorting Hat rested on.

"Caught off guard by the look of the room, (y/n)?" the firm yet soothing voice of Dumbledore brought you back to reality, making you only now realize that not only him, but professors McGonagall and Slughorn were also present in the office.

"I- good evening, professors," you exclaimed, trying not to trip over your own words. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with me tonight."

"Why, when it's something of a matter like this, one cannot simply refuse," the headmaster smiled. "Come forth, (y/n). Make yourself comfortable."

You nodded silently and walked into the room, stopping a few yards away from the large desk. In all your life, you had rarely felt so intimidated, and the stress you were feeling was growing by the second.

"I must admit we were all a bit shocked when you told us what you were planning to do, (y/n)," McGonagall took the word. "Though it made sense you were determined and responsible considering the number of times you came to me and professor Slughorn for assistance."

"That was a good choice. It's important to take every safety measure possible for what you're attempting to do," Slughorn said with a proud smile. "Additionally, we're not in any position to forbid you from making that choice, so we might as well help you through it to the best of our abilities."

"Thank you, professors," you side smiled, twiddling your fingers together. "I thought it would be best to talk to you three about this. I don't want to get into any trouble with the ministry or put myself in unnecessary danger."

Dumbledore nodded and ran his fingers through his beard, eyeing the other two professors, who seemed to understand what he meant to tell them. "Could you elaborate why you wish to become an animagus, (y/n)?"

There it was. The question you had practiced answering over and over in your head for a while. "I was interested in it for a while, but I never took that much further than mere curiosity," you cleared your throat, thinking your next words carefully. "A... recent event made me realize that being an animagus is useful... and I'm willing to take responsibility for the safety and legal aspects that come with doing this."

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